
Wiki Cleanup

ST Sean Tilley Public Seen by 16

Much work has gone into our documentation, and with the migration over to wiki.diasporafoundation.org, we can now focus on clearing up any duplicates of our docs.


goob Sat 15 Jun 2013 8:15PM

Ah right, so you have to go to a non-existent URL first and then click 'Create'. Thanks.


Jason Robinson Sun 16 Jun 2013 9:37PM

MediaWiki has the most stupid way of creating new pages for sure :(


Sean Tilley Sun 16 Jun 2013 10:27PM

You can also just run a search for a page name that doesn't exist, which gives an option to create it.

I do agree, it is a little silly.


Jonne Haß Mon 17 Jun 2013 9:44AM

I received the following mail today:


Today I tried to visit to wiki.diasporafoundation.org, but Avast antivirus blocked it. Maybe that site is infected by any virus. I do not know who maintains the site, so just informed you.

Artyom Petrenkov


Sean Tilley Mon 17 Jun 2013 12:19PM

Thanks, I'll look into it.


Sean Tilley Mon 17 Jun 2013 12:49PM

It is worth noting that Avast occasionally registers false positives on websites. Nevertheless, after a scan, everything comes up clean from my end.


Jonne Haß Wed 26 Jun 2013 7:35AM

Alright, the rough transfer should be done: http://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/Category:Github_transfer_done

So what now? Leave the Github wiki in place with the banners? Replace all pages with just the banners? Replace all pages with a uniform "The wiki moved to wiki.diasporafoundation.org" message? Push the history to diaspora/oldwiki to rescue the not transfer worthy documents? At least we (@seantilleycommunit) should turn the "Restrict edits to Collaborators only" flag in the repository settings on now, I think.

Now it's time to enter regular wiki maintenance: Find outdated pages or ones that need some love and update them. Find duplicate/similar content and merge the pages. Find very long articles about distinct subjects that really should be two articles, especially if they got more than one target audience. Find new outdated content and flag it. Find obsolete pages and propose deletion. Participate in the discussions. Shape out the categories, by recategorizing the pages and describing them on their category page. Maybe you see the need for a new category? Is a category just boilerplate? And so on and so on.

We should also pay some special attention to all pages in http://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/Category:Github_transfer_done now. Maybe just remove them from the category if they are in a good shape?


Sean Tilley Wed 26 Jun 2013 6:12PM

I think the best course of action would be to scan over what's been transferred over. If it's all in a good enough shape, I'd be fine with just deleting the content of the GitHub wiki, and instead only providing the link to the official one. If it's not in good-enough shape, I'm happy to help improve the state of wiki entries.

Regardless of what we choose to do with the GitHub wiki, I've set it to collaborators only, as you've suggested. :)


goob Fri 28 Jun 2013 11:12AM

I think all we need to do is confirm that the content of the Github wiki has accurately been transferred to the new wiki, and then the Github wiki can be deleted. We can then work on updating, improving and expanding the new wiki.

I've been looking at some of the outdated and 'maintenance' entries, and am finding there's little I'm able to add to them, because of my lack of technical knowledge. I'll see what else I can do, though.


Jonne Haß Mon 1 Jul 2013 2:08PM

So, looking at http://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/Special:AllPages we need a guideline on the casing of article names. I don't want to look up everytime if it's "How we communicate", "How we Communicate" or "How We Communicate". I have no preference for either, but it needs to be consistent. Any general objections or should I put up a vote?

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