Tue 5 May 2015 4:22AM

Strategy action options - what could we do?

AES Anna Elphick (CDC Strategist) Public Seen by 113

Time to vote!

What you think is important to do to grow a successful tech sector in Christchurch?

You have 10 dots to allocate across 13 action areas.

We have collated all your feedback over the last few weeks into a range of potential actions that might contribute to our four characteristics of tech sector success.

The 13 action areas are as follows. More details on these action areas can be found here

Christchurch has a critical mass of internationally successful tech businesses
1. Provide access to the right information, advice and capital
2. Collaborative approaches to market entry / capability build
3. Inspire and educate through sharing stories
4. Promote Christchurch as a place to start, grow, relocate businesses

Christchurch’s tech sector is attractive to talent
5. Solve specific talent / skills issues
6. Promote Christchurch tech career
7. Develop a compelling education / working offering

The Christchurch tech sector is internationally recognised as a source of capability and innovation
8. Develop innovative / capability depth in areas where Christchurch has a compelling offering
9. Identify global opportunities / market strategies for Christchurch offering
10. Local buy local

The Christchurch tech sector ecosystem is a point of competitive advantage and attraction
11. Develop strong networking groups / vehicles
12. Develop an integrated network of tech assets
13. Develop industry champions / CEO forum

How to vote on the action areas
We are using "dot voting" to get your feedback on what actions areas you think are most important to do.

You have 10 dots to allocate across 13 actions areas - the more dots you allocate to a specific action, the more important you think it is.

Please write the action area title or number "X" the number of dots you have allocated to that action area.

For example Develop industry champions / CEO forum x 5; Local buy local x 3; Promote Christchurch tech career x 2 or Action 13 x 5; Action 10 x 3; Action 6 x 2.


John Gallagher Tue 5 May 2015 11:30PM

  1. Develop a compelling education / working offering x3

  2. Identify global opportunities / market strategies for Christchurch offerings x3

    1. Develop strong local networking groups / vehicles x4

Rob Lawrence Wed 6 May 2015 3:16AM

I will get that done

Sent from Outlook ( http://taps.io/outlookmobile ) on Rob's iPad Spelling can be random


Greg Beale Wed 6 May 2015 4:17AM

5 = 36 = 3
2 = 2
4 = 1
9 = 1


Ed Wegner (Tait Communications) Wed 6 May 2015 4:43AM

  1. x 2
  2. x 4
  3. x 3
  4. x 1

Brent O'Meagher Wed 6 May 2015 4:58AM

4 = 2
6 = 3
8 = 2
11 = 2
12 = 1


Tim Jones Wed 6 May 2015 8:22AM

  1. X 3
  2. X 3
  3. X 1
  4. X 3

Gerald Carter Wed 6 May 2015 9:02AM

Hey guys, this is a serious embarasment to the CDC trying to connect with the tech industry. A cut and paste survey...!!!

I have transposed the survey to the following link and will connect Anna (and anyone else that is interested in the outcomes)



Gerald Carter Wed 6 May 2015 9:06AM


This is too much of an embarrassment. If this is the state of the Tech industry in ChCh...its really really sad.

I have set up a survey monkey link and the results can be caught here

https://www.surveymonkey.net/results/SM-CLGQLL39/ ( https://www.surveymonkey.net/results/SM-CLGQLL39/ )


Pleayo Tovaranonte (MedITAid Ltd) Wed 6 May 2015 9:19AM

I agree with Gerald, if this is how we manage 'big data' then it's not a very effective approach. When you complete the surveymonkey just make sure that your points add up to 10, that's all.


Gerald Carter Wed 6 May 2015 9:22AM

In my mind, what is the big story about adding up to 10...just rate all options and the outcome is the outcome?

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