Wed 9 Apr 2014 7:21PM

How should we take minutes?

LF Luke Flegg Public Seen by 23

Deciding the best way to take minutes


Daniel Harris Fri 11 Apr 2014 6:02AM

I use LastPass to store all my passwords and generate a new complex password for each site. I also use it to share passwords with other developers in my team. It's pretty cool. Note never use the same password twice!


Luke Flegg Fri 11 Apr 2014 12:01PM

-eated titled "How might we store our sensitive data more appropriately?" and inside is a proposal to create a separate Rizzoma topic for it.

In other news - HORRIBLE word limit! arghh


Luke Flegg Fri 11 Apr 2014 12:03PM

I think the removal of the sensitive data from Rizzoma is not the solution - it's the by-product of the solution. Simply removing it from Rizzoma makes the whole situation slightly worse methinks x


Luke Flegg Fri 11 Apr 2014 12:05PM

Loomio is a really long way off from the visions I have for a holistic cooperative change-making platform. Just on our equivalent of this page, for starters, I think the ability to list multiple arguments For & Against will be a maaajor improvement


Luke Flegg Sat 12 Apr 2014 4:50PM

Okay I guess the data is actually already on Google Drive, not even stored on Rizzoma (just embedded inside), so yeah let's just replace the embedded document with a link to the Google Doc? With its current security setting, people won't be able to access it unless logged in with authorized account.