Fri 16 Mar 2018 8:30AM

CultureBanks 'Marketing' and Publicity

LM Liam Murphy Public Seen by 110

Liam Murphy Wed 11 Jul 2018 7:23AM

Suggested Website/ Marketing Text:

“ You know you need to work collaboratively, maybe you have some funding - or not. You know you're addressing some real social need. You know there might be some business cases thrown up. You may know what they are or not, you maybe know there’s some public interest, and of course you all need paying - eventually. Maybe someone is good at funding applications and maybe these are successful or not, a few of you might be tired of putting more work in than everyone else. You still want to collaborate and work cooperatively, but everything tells you that the real world needs money: rent, mortgage, other occasional expenses.. like food and bills. You might even feel a bit TORN. In times of drought, after the snowstorm, you need to harvest the run-off for all; ok, some of you put a bit more in than others, but we can handle that....

It might be time you CultureBanked® it"...

Shared Intellectual Property For Common Causes