Sun 14 Jan 2018 1:24PM

Introductions -- what do we bring? What do we hope to get?

MN Matt Noyes Public Seen by 28

As a way to get started, should we each post a short introduction stating what we have to offer that might be relevant to this reading group, and what we hope to learn/explore/discuss?


Derek Kozel Wed 25 Jul 2018 12:52PM

I'm clearly a Mastodon beginner as I can't find most of the people in the Reading Group on Mastodon. Can folks link to their profiles from here please?



Matt Noyes Wed 25 Jul 2018 4:24PM


Deleted account Mon 6 Aug 2018 4:41PM

Hi folks,

I'm new to social.coop, but a longtime participant in cooperative organizations. I've lived in cooperative housing, been a member of my local food co-op and credit union for a long time, and was a worker-owner on a small cooperative farm in Portland, Oregon for a few years.

For work, I do a few different jobs. I'm a freelance front-end web developer, an occasional part-time teacher (nature connection with 6-13 year olds), and co-owner of a small kombucha brewery (which we hope to grow as a worker-owned cooperative if grow we do).

I'm an avid reader, and have found great pleasure in book clubs. Lately, I've been delving into anarchist theory, Bookchin, consensus process, etc, but I like to read about a wide variety of topics, from as many perspectives as possible. This working group appeals to me for exactly that reason!


Michele Kipiel Sun 12 Aug 2018 8:39AM

Hello! glad to have you on board. We'll be catching up at the end of august to discuss our latest book, feel free to participate!