Mon 16 Nov 2020 5:22PM

Adopt a moderation policy for matrix room

A Akshay Public Seen by 33

I think the Matrix room needs to be moderated. The following content should be removed by any admin:

1) Spam

2) Off-topic messages

3) Personal attacks and harassment

I think it should be left to the discretion of admins to define what that constitutes.


Pirate Praveen Tue 17 Nov 2020 2:33PM

I think we can build a code of conduct to cover codema as well. Probably build on https://fsci.in/code-of-conduct/ This would enable anyone in the group to decide if something is crossing what is acceptable. We should also probably define how to respond in cases of violation.


piratekp Wed 18 Nov 2020 7:32AM

2 and 3 are relative and should be well defined to avoid ambiguity.