Fri 1 Jun 2018 6:11PM

ActivityPub as a decentralized OAE infrastructure?

LF Lynn Foster Public Seen by 106

Several of us have been looking more closely at ActivityPub (https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#obj-id) as a mechanism for messaging between decentralized agents (people and organizations), as well as between apps. It currently is focused on social networks, but we think it shows a lot of promise in other directions too. We are focused on the economic aspects of an open app ecosystem in our discussions, and more integration of that with social aspects too.

And focused on moving towards an agent-centric architecture, some definitions of that here https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/1/view/HCGmHSwjgSNEOONNPRLplA/CyJfwJFLO3RXcFysO0sGKmh4sGpiC4XRMVc5CE7Ozdw/.

Here is an initial set of investigation and thoughts about how this could actually work. https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/view/oqXdr2rfGXO04U1UWo2CIiZoL1Z9lkNkhzF5jw6pZDk/.

Feedback welcome!


Irina Bolychevsky Fri 4 Jan 2019 10:39PM

ActivityPub is super interesting. We (redecentralize.org) added support for it for our new discussion forum - which is in progress here: https://adhoc.group/*redecentralize, but not sure how many people use the standard!


Lynn Foster Fri 4 Jan 2019 11:14PM

Really interesting @shevski ! I tried to join the forum with my fediverse identity, but it couldn't find me. (It is a personal one - @[email protected]. And it is based on pleroma, and quite likely isn't completely AP standard. Yet!)

I'd be curious to see your source code for the redecentralize forum, maybe it would help us in our quest for a backend that follows completely the AP standards.
