Sun 20 May 2018 1:51AM

Board/Steering Committee/High Council for Social.Coop?

MC Matthew Cropp Public Seen by 25

As we've been discussing the formation of the Ops Teams, I've been giving some thought to the question of whether our scaling will require an empowered, delegated body like a board of directors to scale our capacity to take on members and projects in a more coordinated and focused way.

So, let's use this thread to discuss (A) whether such a shift from pure participatory collective governance is desirable, at this point or at all, and (B) if so, what should the architecture look like.

To start the conversation, one approach would be for the body to be composed of a representative from each Operations Team elected by that team, and an equal number of non-operations team co-op members selected via an election or sortition process of some kind.


emi do Wed 23 May 2018 9:26PM

I like the idea of the coordinating committee of being a working group!

About the diagram, even though the WGs are now nested within the Membership (duh!), is there should be some bi-directional arrows from working group bubbles into the general membership? Maybe the fact that there are no arrows from ops bubbles into their working groups indicates that by being nested within, there is going to be communication taking place?

Or are we imagining that the central committee (or organizational WG) will be the one disseminating info to the membership?

Perhaps as per @robertbenjamin 's comment re: there not being a need for an ops team for governance/legal, that the governance/legal ops team is the one that manages pertinent threads/conversations/decisions happening in different WGs in a way that less engaged members can access. This will play a big role into inclusion/diversity as well.


Matt Noyes Thu 24 May 2018 2:56AM

Coordination WG is a nice idea, makes it clearer that it is a functional role, not a leadership position. Robert is right about no need for an ops team in the Gov/LegaI WG. I was thinking of the arrows as indicating person/people from each working group being part of the coordinating working group (along with members at large). The arrows show that interaction, but maybe that is confusing? The working groups and ops teams could continue to function openly like we have on Loomio with posts to social.coop to share info and seek engagement.