Fri 1 Jun 2018 11:03PM

Login Issues: After asking Email and Name, app just hangs...

A Arit Public Seen by 389

I was sure to save the email and password presented at the end of installation. But when I type that email address in, and then my name at the next prompt, the app just hangs and goes nowhere: doesn't log me in, doesn't shut me out.
I had no issues during installation.
I'm running Loomio on OSX.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:


Tyler Schlichenmeyer Fri 11 Jan 2019 9:04AM

Thanks SO much!!! Question: Is this common RoR/web dev practice, or is it in the documentation somewhere I'm missing?? Might be a good idea to include on the setup page! Let me know if i should set up a PR on the documentation :)


Robert Guthrie Fri 11 Jan 2019 9:18AM

Please do make a PR on the docs. That would be great.