Wed 25 Jan 2017 11:30PM

Camp #1 Funding Proposal and Budget

KP Kevin Peterson Public Seen by 366

Establish priorities for Camp #1 Grant Proposal.
1) Start up requirements for Camp Builders
2) Start up requirements for Camp of 50
Standards: http://bit.ly/2jgvXH3
Design Brief: http://bit.ly/2kESeya
Camp Mind Map: http://bit.ly/2kxBl5k
Daft Budget: http://bit.ly/2kurBrG
Supplier List: http://bit.ly/2jUxoYM
Camp Design Video: https://youtu.be/-3EpfeEt_FM


Kevin Peterson Thu 26 Jan 2017 12:11PM

EVERYONE: John posted this in another thread.

I think it is critically important to have sufficient capability to fabricate in the camps.

The first reason for this is that the Spanish camp is a model and an experiment in both restoration and camp building. The vision is not to restore a small piece of the Spanish Altiplano but to train a growing group to restore the Earth. We will if successful build camps everywhere there are degraded landscapes. In many of these places there are no shops. We will need the ability to build and to repair our living environment and our tools.

The second reason is money. If we buy everything off the shelf we will pay vastly more than if we make it ourselves. A big Yurt will cost of from 5000 to 9000 Euros and then we will need additional for insulation, floors … etc. We can reduce the cost to around 1000 Euros plus labor.

Beyond the Yurts / Tipis / Domes we also need Kitchen Facilities, Green Houses, Toilets, Showers, Saunas, Boardwalks, Beds, Lockers, Bookshelves,

All of these require shop tools and fabrication.

This is our first requirement. We are not buying a camp we are building one.

The cost will be 1/10 the price if we build it. Plus we will learn all the ins and outs of camp building which will inform the camps to come. The people who train in camp building will be leaders in the future in building more camps.


Marcus Busby Thu 26 Jan 2017 1:23PM

May I add, this is a wholistic exercise, from discussion, visioning, funding, public engagement, communications, planning to implementation, refinement and so on, this is also the first of many, so we are all defining these processes for a very new kind of project, and working online with people from all over the world. We are doing well, even if it can feel slow/laborious process, this is all part of the learning.. once these pathways are defined the process will streamline..


Kevin Peterson Thu 26 Jan 2017 1:26PM

I could not agree more. I know it is somewhat dispiriting to @johndennisliu that the process is messy and there is disagreement and friction. The disagreement and friction is the result of pent up energy without a clear outlet. It might not feel like a positive, but it is. I have been a part of many organizational efforts. There is truly something special emerging from all of this. It is actually quite remarkable. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone is amazing!!!


Marcus Busby Thu 26 Jan 2017 1:20PM

@kevinpeterson n.b. I removed one of the suppliers from the thread title as this is included in the suppliers listings.


John Dennis Liu Thu 26 Jan 2017 2:33PM

Dear Friends: The funding is still available but it is less enthusiastic because of the negativity on the public posts. I will be in Holland in 10 days and will follow up. If we can have a cogent plan it would be good and I believe that we can access the funding. I would suggest that we have a ZOOM to discuss this it is more efficient and more accurate.


Kevin Peterson Thu 26 Jan 2017 3:40PM

I think a Zoom meeting is a great idea. I think we would benefit from setting an agenda for the discussion to make sure we cover the important issues. ...... don't worry, the pent up energy on Facebook will resolve itself soon ...... Everything is going to look completely different very soon.

@tomcatino1 Yes, we have been going over those start-up options for some time.


Jeff Anderson Thu 26 Jan 2017 3:52PM

Kevin, could you set up another doodle poll to find a good time for a Zoom meeting during the next 4-5 days?


Kevin Peterson Thu 26 Jan 2017 3:56PM

Yes, I can do that. I think next week sometime, unless we want to blend it into the GA over the weekend, or maybe that is too much. I will offer both,


John Dennis Liu Thu 26 Jan 2017 2:36PM

I recommend that for the Camp builders we think about the Safari Tent idea which we can add wooden raised floors. Then we will be sufficiently housed while we work on the build the main part of the camp.


Jeff Anderson Mon 30 Jan 2017 7:30PM

Giuseppe's question about an application form/format was a good prompt. I'm working on a proposal template (headings with a brief description of what kind of content should be under each heading). This would mean that the proposal would also contain some narrative text (project summary, description, goals, timeline etc) which we still need to create. I imagine this being about one page, then the actual budget table being the second page. Does @everyone and @johndennisliu think this is the right track? Or do Commanland just want a budget table with no accompanying narrative?

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