Wed 29 Aug 2018 9:43PM

Waylens camera - how should we loan this out?

R RobJN Public Seen by 32

Hi all. With thanks to telenav, OSM UK have now acquired a Waylens Horizon camera [1]. It's a great bit of kit designed for car enthusiasts - mounted in the windscreen and hooked up to the cars in board computer, it captures high quality images. Originally video, but Telenav have worked to adapt it to record photos and automatically upload to OpenStreetCam. Very slick process (although a internet connection with quick upload speeds helps) meaning less time fiddling and more time out surveying.

The camera will be added to our rental scheme. The only thing we need to agree is the rental cost. Due to the value of the kit we probably want to be shipping this as special delivery. If a volunteer could help figure out prices that would help me get it loaned out as soon as possible.

Also what do people think about shipping direct from one OSM UK member to another member, rather than return postage to me? It would require sharing of address details with the member who has it before you so a small data privacy issue, but it would save on cost.

For comparison the US rental scheme is at [2]. They have several cameras and rent out for a period of 3 months.

Thanks for your help.

[1] https://www.waylens.com/horizon
[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/Local_Chapters/United_States/Waylens_Camera_Lending_Program


Martijn van Exel Thu 13 Sep 2018 7:45PM

Hi folks. Martijn here from Telenav. I gave the camera to Rob for you all to use. Some commented that OSC is more car-centric which is correct. This camera is meant to use in a car also and not suitable for capturing imagery while cycling or walking.

If you are interested in the camera, there is some more information on its use at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/Local_Chapters/United_States/Waylens_Camera_Lending_Program . I am also happy to answer questions directly, but please email me to get in touch, there are only so many platforms I can reasonable monitor :)

I hope the camera is useful! Happy mapping -- Martijn


RobJN Mon 17 Sep 2018 10:37PM

Hi all. I'm back from my holiday in which I extensively tested the camera. Managed to get some uploaded on hotel WiFi but now my home internet has the rest to do (at slow upload speeds).

My priority is getting this up and running with our membership so I aim to get a rental framework agreed on Thursday's board meeting. Thanks for the comments shared here :-)


RobJN Wed 26 Sep 2018 10:10PM

Hi all. The rental scheme is now live and the email has just gone out to members. Find out more at https://osmuk.org/camera-rental/

Thanks for your feedback on this thread.


Martijn van Exel Wed 26 Sep 2018 10:25PM

Hi Rob &al,
Congratulations and let me know if you need any support from my side.
For the US program we have a Slack channel that is fairly active with people asking and answering questions. It’s invite-only but I am happy to extend anyone who has the camera an invitation. People can also email me or Toby Murray directly.



RobJN Wed 26 Sep 2018 11:08PM

Thanks Martijn. And wow - the Telenav team are quick. I found a link road that was a few hundred meters displaced. Photographed with the Waylens on 3 September and by 14 September your team had fixed it! https://overpass-api.de/achavi/?changeset=62583410


Andrew Hain Thu 27 Sep 2018 10:18AM

Just to let you know that the email still says Sutton Coldfield at the bottom.