
Agree with statements instead of adding new

MR Mads Ringblom Public Seen by 84

In bigger groups the list of statements can get long, so what about being able to agree with other statements instead of (or as a supplement to) adding you own.

It would add a little more complexity to the process of stating your position but the benefits would be less information clutter and the ability to get a quick overview of popular arguments for and against a proposal.


Ben Burton Wed 3 Dec 2014 3:56PM

Wikipedia has proven that consensus can scale. I think it succeeds in part because of clarity. Every page is very focused, and that limits disagreements. I think it would help Loomio to work towards a similar clarity in discussions and proposals to help consensus work without massive amounts of obstruction.


Clark Davison Thu 4 Dec 2014 12:00AM

I wonder if this could be addressed by introducing different "views" of the posts. For example..

  • Chronological - by time of post
  • Chronological + nested comments
  • Supporting the discussion / proposal
  • Arguing against the discussion / proposal

Just a quick list to highlight the idea.

I think it would be useful to see who supports / disagrees / challenges etc. because that way it would be possible to focus on the positive and negative comments within a discussion. If the negative or disagrees have a valid point and are "supported" by other members then they need to be addressed and answered in order to win over those who are not in agreement OR the discussion / proposal needs to be changed or worded differently or whatever.

Is there any way to preview the project you were working on? I followed the link and started downloading the tools to set it up but if you had screenshots or a live demo somewhere that would be even quicker and easier.


Daniel Nephin Thu 4 Dec 2014 12:59AM

@alandavison the UI was never really flushed out. I had some mockups on paper, but the code in that repo is mostly just backend/database stuff, and the grunt pipeline for the frontend.


Clark Davison Thu 4 Dec 2014 1:41AM

@dnephin thanks for the update, that will save me setting it up just to find out I can't see it.

It seems like we are both interested in the same issue relating to how posts and comments are viewed, sorted and displayed. What did you think or my suggestion for different "Views"?