
Agree with statements instead of adding new

MR Mads Ringblom Public Seen by 84

In bigger groups the list of statements can get long, so what about being able to agree with other statements instead of (or as a supplement to) adding you own.

It would add a little more complexity to the process of stating your position but the benefits would be less information clutter and the ability to get a quick overview of popular arguments for and against a proposal.


Mads Ringblom Mon 13 Oct 2014 6:05PM


Matthew Bartlett Mon 13 Oct 2014 6:58PM

Nice. Feels a bit like the 'Ideas' feature http://blog.loomio.org/tag/ui/


Mads Ringblom Mon 13 Oct 2014 8:11PM

Ahh that seems like a nice feature as well.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'feel like the 'ideas' feature' though.
Like the fulfilling the same need? kind of the same functionality? or have the same design-feel?

PS. Found this discussion (https://www.loomio.org/d/5Lxbd4Rs/ideas-proto-proposals) and added an idea to the idea-feature as well :)


Alanna Irving Mon 13 Oct 2014 8:28PM

We have this feature to 'like' statements of position in a proposal in the backlog: https://trello.com/c/YGLxkVeB

Is that what you mean?


Mads Ringblom Mon 13 Oct 2014 8:48PM

Oh yeah almost "like" that. (gotta remember to check that backlog :)

But it would be cool to add the feature to the place where the user are asked to give a reason for his/hers position because it could result in less statements that are almost the same (especially in larger groups) which would make the list of arguments for and against the proposal smaller, thus making it easier for other to decide.

Also using the word 'agree' instead of like, might lead to more awareness about that you're actually participating in decision making rather than being on Facebook ;)

(Thanks for the link @alanna I'll add this comment to the card)


Ben Burton Wed 19 Nov 2014 4:15PM

@madsringblom Instead of just limiting what we "like" or what positions we agree with to individuals, we should be able to propose facts that can be used as the basis to make a decision. I've been calling them "Statements of fact" in my head.

Just like a proposal, someone should be able to propose a "fact" be added in the side bar. These facts ultimately add up to be the foundation for the decision. Consensus on facts will lead to more accurate and healthier decisions.

I believe this type of feature could help drive discussions to decisions in a lot of different ways.


Mads Ringblom Thu 20 Nov 2014 9:12AM

@BenBurton I really like the idea of consensus on facts!

Way to often are we not even agreeing on why we disagree and agreeing on facts may go some of the way in solving this problem.
If it somehow could be implemented in a user friendly not to complicated way.


Ben Burton Thu 20 Nov 2014 5:04PM

@madsringblom I would suggest the "Create a proposal" either have multiple types, or probably better a second button dedicated to the feature. Facts could ultimately stack along side the discussion or above the discussion and below the initial post. Any newcomer to the discussion could probably get a very quick synopsis of the discussion and join in relatively easily.


Mads Ringblom Mon 24 Nov 2014 12:48PM

@BenBurton I've previously suggested multiple types of comments (to force people to think about the discussion on a meta-level), but multiple types of proposals could also be a cool feature.

Only problem with these thing is, that adding more complexity always raises the bar for participation, so it has to be really well thought through useability-wise.

A start could be a "this is what we agreed on so far" section recognizing that it's not always about reaching that one decision but more a series of smaller decisions. (could be 'facts' as well as 'definitions', 'basic assumptions' or agreeing on 'goals' before agreeing on 'means' and so on)


Ben Burton Mon 24 Nov 2014 4:01PM

@madsringblom I'm trying to work out some of these issues in the discussion regarding how Loomio.org defines a decision. If we break it down into its component pieces, I think we can create a user friendly and more effective tool.

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