Tue 10 Jan 2017 12:19PM

Current status of the crews

RVE Renaud Van Eeckhout Public Seen by 41

EN :
When newcomers join our crews, they often ask about other crews. Which ones are active? What do they do? Do they have many members?

These questions are difficult to answer, because information lacks. It's not a communication issue, it's about making information public, available. In one word : transparency. One of our core values since... always.

Therefore I wanted to know about the crews. Which ones are active, have meetings, where are the meeting reports to be found, etc.

FR :
Quand des nouveaux/elles pirates nous rejoignent, nous avons souvent des questions à propos des autres crews. Lesquelles sont actives ? Que font-elles ? Ont-elles beaucoup de membres ?

Il est compliqué de répondre à ces questions, à cause du manque d'information. Il ne s'agit pas - j'anticipe - d'un problème de communication, mais de rendre l'information publique, accessible, en un mot : la transparence. Une de nos valeurs fondamentales depuis... toujours.

Je souhaitais donc que nous partagions ces informations ici. Lesquelles sont actives, organisent des réunions, où peut-on trouver les rapports de réunions, etc.

Crews alive:
* Pirates de Liège (5-10)
* Crew BW (about 10)
* Crew Waremme (3)
* Crew La Louvière (?)
* Crew Antwerpen (5-10)
* Crew Gent (7-10)
* Crew Mechelen (6)


Pat Seynaeve Thu 16 Mar 2017 2:47AM

Well, I've proposed to put the meeting reports on the wiki on the last meeting.
The group voted negative, 1 positive.
But I can tell you how we work.
We sit around a table or in circle and we go round from person to person so that everybody can speak with a limited time, unless the group wants to go deeper into a item
The moderator (M) start to ask to every one in the group in what mood he/she is (difficult day, tired, grumpy, good), to know the background of the person reaction.
Then M ask from person to person to formulate in maximum 2 words what item(s) he want to put at the agenda. M make a list.
M give the word to the first person to explain deeply and make that the others can not interrupt.
After we go round so that everybody can give his comment, without interruption from another
If somebody want to interrupt he raise the hand.
Then we vote.
That way everybody can give his opinion while the others have to listen.
You need a strong moderator who can decide how long the person can speak and who can stop a speech when it's too long or when irrelevant and who stimulate that everybody can speak freely. Participants can give signs (crossed arms) to time out the person that speak too long.


Thierry Fenasse Thu 16 Mar 2017 6:31AM

Thanks for the sharing.


HgO Thu 16 Mar 2017 7:14AM

Thank you ! Did they explain why the minutes cannot be made public ? Because, it seems to me that you don't respect our statutes or core values (transparency), that's why I'm asking ^

Let say I want to attend one of your meetings, could you tell me what is the procedure for that ? :)


Valerie D. Thu 16 Mar 2017 10:15AM

Well maybe it is not that the minutes cannot be made public but they prefer to keep the way they are reporting now (slack I think?). Isn't it?

Crews work the way they like, but transparency is indeed mandatory... so what I would rather expect/propose is that the wiki page of the crew gives the link where to find the reports and the dates of the future meetings. This way you can keep using what you want and have to bother only once with the wiki, to make sure people who are looking for info know where to find it.

I hope this can be accepted by the crew? Or if not, they should explain all this on the wiki... ;-)


HgO Thu 16 Mar 2017 10:45AM

You are right, I misread what Pat said : they voted on putting the minutes on the Wiki.

I don't see any problem if they keep the way they are working, provided it is easy to attend the meeting and to find the minutes (so indeed some links on the wiki would be enough).


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 18 Feb 2017 11:24AM

As you mention meeting reports and the wiki, @hgo has improved the wiki a lot recently. There is now a form that allows you to create very easily pages for meetings. And if you use that form (please do so!), then the meeting will automatically appear in the "Meetings" section of your page (Antwerpen. It also will appear automatically on this general Meeting page.

And this will even allow having your events in a calendar that can be used in Thunderbird.

All your past meetings (at least those @hgo and myself have found on the wiki) are already adapted to fit to that model. As you can see, we've registered more than 400 meetings. The tool is easy to use, and improves transparency a lot, so it would be really great if you could use it.


Thierry Fenasse Sun 19 Feb 2017 9:23AM

:champagne: :fireworks: :revolving_hearts:

How do you dispaly the scheddules in Thunderbird?



Thierry Fenasse Sun 19 Feb 2017 9:31AM

Found it here

And the answer is : copy/paste this link as a New Network Calendar in Thunderbird.

Works with Thunderbird, Icedove, and maybe any iCalendar supporting tool.


HgO Sun 19 Feb 2017 9:34AM

Thank you for those good news, @christophecop and @pattico ! :D

Ah great @tierce :) I was just writting some explanations ^ Yes, it should even work with google calendar. As you said, you must copy/paste the link "Export for iCalendar" on the wiki. It can be from the Event category, or from your crew's meetings if you don't want to follow more events than those from your crew ;) You can also create several calendar and pick crews and workgroups that you would like to follow.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sun 19 Feb 2017 10:31AM

I tried in Google Agenda and I received a generic "Failed to add imported calendar" every time.

Apparently the problem is due to the length of the URL (if it's longer than 256 then it won't be valid).

Conclusion : to have the pirate agenda of your wish, copy the URL from the wiki, paste it in a URL shortener (e.g. https://goo.gl/ ) and you can add it to Google Agenda.

Note that apparently, the google calendars refresh once every 8 hours.

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