
NZDIMP + The Declaration on Open and Transparent Government

PS Paul Stone Public Seen by 352

Reviewing the gap analysis that compared what was in the Open Data Charter and in/not in the New Zealand Data and Information Principles (NZDIMP) I realised you can't compare with NZDIMP in isolation...

We need to review NZDIMP in combination with the Declaration on Open and Transparent Government. In the Declaration, Cabinet Directs agencies to release data in accordance with NZGOAL, NZDIMP and notify those releases on data.govt.nz.

So when the Open Data Charter says "Publish data on a central portal - discoverable and accessible" - NZDIMP does not say the equivalent, but the Declaration does.

Another example, where the ODC says "
Encourage use of open data to develop, implement and assess programmes, policies and better public services" - the Declaration says "We release it to encourage business and community involvement in government decision-making" (but NZDIMP does not (and doesn't need to in this context)).

So point one - a comparison needs to consider what the Declaration says.

Point two - is this a reason to review and consolidate for simplicity and better understanding for all?...


Aaron McGlinchy Mon 5 Sep 2016 1:29AM

This is a good and important point. I also think consideration of ODC needs to factor in that not all aspects of ODC are particularly applicable to all organisations (and unless you make that explicit, you risk making implementation of any principles too daunting a task, and/or fragmenting/duplicating efforts to do things that should be nationally coordinated/higher level responsibilities).

Ref also my comments at https://www.loomio.org/d/TA7dG9lj/reverse-gap-analysis-nzdimp-odc and https://www.loomio.org/d/V84EyGBu/statistics-from-phase-1


Cam Findlay Thu 8 Sep 2016 3:29AM

Thanks @paulstone and @aaronmcglinchy I think there are 2-3 threads that are now converging into one topic around implementation and impact.


Cam Findlay Sun 11 Sep 2016 9:00PM

We've started a new thread to discuss impacts specifically drawing from the discussions over the last few weeks - please continue the discussions over at https://www.loomio.org/d/nRvY9XrW


Kay Tue 13 Sep 2016 1:40PM

Is it worth sharing some of the NZDIMP background - https://www.ict.govt.nz/guidance-and-resources/open-government/new-zealand-data-and-information-management-principles/ and https://www.ict.govt.nz/guidance-and-resources/open-government/toolkit-agencies/ and the Comparison between the OD Charter and NZDIMP with handy table ... sorry if this comment is in the wrong place


Kay Tue 13 Sep 2016 1:57PM

OK I see this has been shared already - thanks.