Tue 18 Dec 2018 6:15PM

2018 Impact Report from the FairShares Association

R Rory (FSA) Public Seen by 112

Dear Colleagues,

Below is a URL to YouTube video - the FairShares Association 2018 Impact Report. It is presented in a creative way to communicate the development of new thinking, the publications it has been working on, the early adopters, projects and new enterprises that are using FairShares ideas and IP.


Projects to watch in 2019 include:

www.resonate.is (when re-financed?)

and, of course,


2019 will be a big year as http://locoso.co, http://evolutesix.com, www.fairsharesplatform.eu and www.coop.exchange all start incubating their own FairShares enterprises with www.fairshares.coop support. This will develop alongside online courses at www.fsi.coop/courses/.

Lastly (although not in this year's report), we will see the first UK co-operatives using the model rules accepted by the FCA.

Please discuss below.


Matt Bell Sat 5 Jan 2019 4:11PM

I have just watched the Impact Report and it would be amazing to talk about how we could bring this into Plymouth if you aren't already. I have just joined a charity POP+ who's function is to catalyse greater participation in the city and personally I'm very interested in new organisational models.


Graham Boyd Tue 15 Jan 2019 9:55AM

Hi Matt

If you're interested in the integration of FairShares with self-governing (Holacracy or Sociocracy) plus developmental dialogue processes, the golden triangle for navigating by tension in all four holons (stakeholder, roles and task, interpersonal, innerpersonal) then let's chat. That's our focus.

We're starting an investment incubator this year to catalyse such businesses.

This podcast says more: http://blog.hr-congress.com/re-inventing-organizational-conflict-an-interview-with-graham-boyd/

I've copied my work email and that of a colleague on this.


Rory (FSA) Tue 29 Jan 2019 8:04AM

Matt - hope your conversation is progressing with Graham. If not, contact me @roryridleyduff1 or @cliff1 - we can provde you with a detailed document on setting up a FairShares Lab.


Rory (FSA) Tue 29 Jan 2019 8:05AM

You can also learn about FairShares and FairShares Labs through the new course hosted by the FairShares Institute at Sheffield Business School. Register and enrol at:
