Sat 29 Dec 2018 1:47AM

Information architecture, filing and data storage

P pospi Public Seen by 148

Discussion thread for things pertaining to the way we manage and organise information we plan on permanently keeping.


Tue 8 Jan 2019 10:56AM

I agree, if anyone is wanting to define a project they keep all the documentation in a seperate folder under projects. :)


Deleted User
Wed 9 Jan 2019 2:14AM

I think it is important to set all of this up, as it makes for so much less mess in the future and once everyone is in flow with using those templates and files it becomes easy for everyone. Of course a little more time consuming in the beginning to get used to it - but the longevity is secure then


Dean Cameron
Thu 10 Jan 2019 3:31AM

but not to photos being duplicated there or we will run out of storage space


Monique Kurdian
Tue 15 Jan 2019 5:24AM

Sounds ok to me providing the Master is well managed.


pospi Tue 8 Jan 2019 7:56AM

In answer to Rod:

Who will be responsible for creating and maintaining this system?

I think it should be up to us to enforce these conventions as a group. Jobs should not be allowed to proceed through Trello until the required documents have been provided, and we should all make sure to sign off on them when starting work.


pospi Sun 13 Jan 2019 1:28AM

@deancameron what storage quota do we get on the ELF Google Drive, and how much have we used currently? What is the limit for uncompressed photos in Google Photos- 16GB?


pospi Thu 17 Jan 2019 7:30AM

It looks as though @deancameron and I have hit a roadblock in the photo storage decision and need input from others in order to progress the discussion- I am of the opinion that Google Photos is problematic and inadequate for our needs whilst Dean remains steadfastly in favour of implementing it.

The digital tools decision criteria spreadsheet contains a table of our findings linked to discussions we have had on particular points.

One chief concern with the Photos approach is that Dean (and other LifeBubbles email addresses) are the only accounts which have permission to create new albums which we have control over. Dean believes he can compensate for this by pre-creating all necessary albums, but I believe this makes Dean a management bottleneck. And adding other LifeBubbles email addresses to manage the albums burdens others with multiple Google accounts & disconnects ELF matters from personal matters completely, which is not what all of us want.

Another concern of mine is that albums owned by people other than ELF will creep into our photo storage despite our best efforts to maintain sovereignty over our data. These won't be documented as "contains ELF photos, don't delete", we'll forget to copy the "keepers" out of there into our own albums, and when people remove them we run the risk of losing chunks of our photographic archive without recourse.

The biggest issue cropping up, however, is discoverability of the photos. With a bunch of unrelated Google Photos albums, there's no way to send a link to someone that says "here are all the ELF photos". That seems like an important thing we'd want to do.

One option is to include a document somewhere in the ELF Drive folder which has links to all the Google Photos albums. But then that has to be maintained & kept in sync, people will drop the ball on that and we'll end up with the same issue of lost photos again. The same would be true of project photos- some spreadsheet or document in each project folder would need to be created to link those together so that people interested in a particular project can click through to find photographic documentation about it.

And at that point, I'm left to wonder whether all this additional effort and management complexity is really worth the effort; or if we shouldn't just use Google Drive for our photos because it works like a filesystem and so all of the above is easy; plus the project photos could just be there present within the project and easily discoverable.

The only reason I can think of not to use Drive is potential storage limits. So let's answer the question above and discuss this post and see where to from there.