Wed 29 Nov 2017 1:51AM

Open app ecosystem

D Draft Public Seen by 157

Hi everyone !

I see a lot of threads about digital tools and how we can make a better tool to include people in the process of contributing to the ECA.

There is another loomio's group called Open App Ecosystem, it's a neutral group (no organizations behind) who has for objective to create an ecosystem of open source applications who could be used for example to create a platform builder to enable anyone to create his platform (like cloudron but much more oriented User eXperience (UX)).

So my question would be, does anyone here wanna create an ecosystem of open source application which could be useful for you and all the commons movement cause it would enable anyone to create a transparent and free organization to manage their commons, and give the possibility to people to contribute to these commons in a very simple way.

If that's the case, just raise your hand, and let's find a way to work together ! :)


Oliver Kalleinen Wed 29 Nov 2017 11:09AM

Thanks for pointing out the Loomio group on the Open App Ecosystem. There is certainly overlap with the the ECA work group on Participatory Tools For Democracy and I will follow the Open App Ecosystem group discussion.


Draft Wed 29 Nov 2017 8:16PM

It seems you are very motivated, so it would be great to work with you ! Don't hesitate to push demands and things we could do into the open app loomio's group, as everyone is always willing to answer :)


Peter Kominka Tue 26 Dec 2017 12:55PM

Do not cancel my account, I m still interested


Maria Oliveira Fri 29 Dec 2017 3:34PM

Yes, I'd like


Jon Richter Thu 22 Feb 2018 2:28PM

Hi @draft we're working on building the infrastructure for those Apps and have also considered Cloudron. Unfortunately it is not L in FLOSS, since it couples your instance to their App Store. Please see their documentation at https://cloudron.io/documentation/installation/#cloudron-store-setup

With the IndieHosters, we are also looking at Puffin and Portainer. https://github.com/indiehosters/libre.sh/pull/159#issuecomment-363872072


Thomas Saulgrain Thu 22 Feb 2018 3:01PM

Do you guys know of any way to use the blockchain technology without any coding knowledge to operate the valorization of work being done within an artistic commons - activating three spaces in Brussels for a total of 460 sqm (administrative, renovation work, leading of common practices, etc...) - and a contained economy based on the exchange of this value ?


Ivor Stodolsky Thu 22 Feb 2018 3:57PM

Thank you for proposing this in the context of the ECA. As a non-specialist I have a few current questions, personally, that need answering on this front
1) are you aware of https://eelo.io/ and are there better alternatives for open-source phone OS's (ubuntu having been dropped)
2) where, if anywhere would an amazing, evolving set of open-source emoticons (images to express moods in chats, etc) find a home?

Although there are other threads at ECA that might respond, it would be good to have your expertise.