Thu 10 Dec 2015 11:10PM

Spreading the word

MM Matt McGregor Public Seen by 305

Now that we have a website and some basic guidance, we can start spreading the word! More details below.


Deleted account Wed 9 Mar 2016 11:46PM

Wow, @paulaeskett excellent idea on tweeting @coreeducation. Already have had a few hits and I just tweeted five minutes ago.


Melita Thu 17 Mar 2016 10:29PM

Hi everyone

I've created a poster for here in Whanganui (I'm not a designer!!) - we generally use Piktochart to do visual stuff so I've used that : https://magic.piktochart.com/output/12186841-oer-sprint-teaser

Please feel free to re-use if you want to, making it work for wherever you are - you'll need to change the sponsors logos at the bottom of course! Piktochart has a free membership - but if it isn't working for you or you'd rather have the PNG to work on directly, just let me know.
Melita :)


Matt McGregor Thu 17 Mar 2016 10:47PM

Looks great!