Tue 29 Jul 2014 4:44AM

Remove Delete From Draft option from CMS

WR Will Rossiter Public Seen by 41

Currently if the page is published and live in the CMS there is an option to remove the page from Draft and leave it in live. This creates a bunch of confusing cases when users click this option. I don't believe having a page in live and not on staging is something to be encouraged.

I put for that the option should be remove that option unless the page is unpublished.

So to clarify, the actions would be:

For a published page:
- Save
- Save and Publish
- Unpublish Page

For a unpublished page
- Save
- Save and Publish
- Delete Page

For a published page with draft changes
- Save
- Save and Publish
- Cancel Draft Changes
- Unpublish Page

The process would be to delete a page - Unpublish then Delete Page.


Sam Minnée Tue 29 Jul 2014 4:56AM

The point about remove from draft is so that you can preview a deletion operation before unpublishing it. If you remove this, then you can't preview or have an approval of a workflow action around the removal of a page. That seems like a lot to give up.

I don't think we should make any single-point-of-focus changes to this stuff—any change should be "think through all of the interactions of every single case"—which is hard, and isn't undertaken very often.

I would suggest, instead, that the reasons why this feature are confusing get addressed.


Florian Thoma Tue 29 Jul 2014 5:06AM

I agree with Will. I have built a small module to remove this button for my customers: https://github.com/xini/silverstripe-cmshidedeletedraft.
If the functionality of this button is workflow related, why not move it to the workflow module?


James Turner Tue 29 Jul 2014 5:18AM

Yeah, I never understood the delete draft button. It makes more sense to me as a "Cancel Draft Changes" like Will suggested.

For when the situation arises that you need to have a delete draft button, I think that functionality would be included in a module of some sort.


Loz Calver Tue 29 Jul 2014 8:19AM

This shouldn’t be removed IMO. If a CMS user is significantly restructuring their site & adding/removing sections, they want to be able to preview their new ‘draft’ structure without removing pages from the live site - removing this wouldn’t allow that.

I agree that it can be confusing for CMS users, I’m not sure of a solution to that, though.


Stig Lindqvist Tue 29 Jul 2014 9:16AM

@samminnee1 and @lozcalver this was the first time I ever read someone explain the use case for it, and now I'm a bit less prone to jump on the "let's remove it".

But I have to agree, it have caused grief for me trying to explain how this is supposed to work and why it's there. But in general I'm in favor of improving the UX for content users. This include renaming labels and hopefully making better in context documentation.

I did start some work with getting some feedback from people with interest and skills in UX (since I have non).

For example changing 'delete' to 'archive', 'draft' to 'unpublished' and changing a couple of cms sitetree filter labels around etc.



Daniel Hensby Tue 29 Jul 2014 12:10PM

Wow, I really don't think there's an argument to remove this button.

The whole point of the draft site vs live site is so that a CMS user can see what the site would look like after making their changes. If their changes are to delete pages (but they don't want them deleted on live yet) then removing this button makes the draft site almost useless.

It'd mean the draft site was purely just for checking copy changes vs being able to do any advanced site restructuring. Definitely against this proposal.

Really, this is an issue of training the user rather than removing a very useful feature.


Russell Michell Tue 29 Jul 2014 6:39PM

I can see where Will is coming from, the labeling for this button is confusng as hell:

User: "I can see a button with the word 'Delete' on it...hmmm I'm going to avoid that like the plague lest I completely delete my page.."

So Sam's point is actually very important: What exactly is it that makes this confusing or a bad user experience? And the answer I believe mostly lies in Stig's response which he's talked to me about previously. This is basically change the labelling.

Perhaps we can pivot this proposal to "Change 'Delete from Draft' button label to something less confusing", and then as a recommended first step, give priority to someone to review Stig's fork (Paul would be good) as it contains several other changes of this ilk.


Fred Condo Tue 29 Jul 2014 8:52PM

I would want to see evidence from a usability test that this is confusing. If it is confusing, then I would want to investigate why it's confusing. I won't venture a guess as to why it's confusing until I am convinced that it is in fact confusing.


Sam Minnée Wed 30 Jul 2014 1:28AM

I think two things are clear:

  • The button is valuable
  • The button is confusing

I would bundle this issue into the next iteration of UI reviews to publish functions, whenever that might be.


Will Rossiter Wed 30 Jul 2014 10:07AM

@samminnee1 @danielhensby thanks, that use case makes a lot more sense then. See the need for it now, will remember that for the next CMS training while trying to explain for people.

Considering the need for the button, an alternative label for the button is much harder to come up with. I like it now that it describes what it does so leave it as is.

Optionally could add a [?] next to the label with a tooltip which lays the reasoning out as nicely like above..

Good to see Loomio work well rather than having this come up at the Github Pull stage.