Mon 4 Jun 2018 10:42PM

Micro grants for sponsoring local chapter startups

MV Marco Vaquera Public Seen by 77

Discuss if funding can be granted to help local chapters with incorporation and filing fees


Jacquin Buchanan Thu 14 Jun 2018 7:49PM

Sorry I did not weighing earlier. I agree with the directions the discussion has gone. So likely can’t add much. Each chapter is an individual case. I for example am unlikely to start another 501c3 Inside the US. I would likely join with another organization like my makerspace, local university, or E-nable Rochester.

It would be useful to have some guidance or outline to help anyone applying to mini grant


Jon Schull Sat 23 Jun 2018 1:47PM

Suggest you declare and announce a spefic time....


Chris Blanchard Tue 26 Jun 2018 4:25AM

Just to add, where I am currently doing Enable is the Philippines (I'm from Houston, Texas). Its almost impossible to actually get an NPO or NGO here and would cost a small fortune. You must incorporate it which could take over a year and need to have at least 5 investors. That being said it is illegal to ask or take any funding from the Philippines, this requires me to fully sponsor the project on our own or get funding from the USA. There are most likely other countries/ chapters like this which I would think are really needed to enhance quality of lives in these regions.


Chris Blanchard Tue 26 Jun 2018 5:19AM

From my particular experience here I think that money would be wasted on the incorporating an NPO/ NGO in these cases. Also the ongoing maintenance required is heavy. I would rather see chapters that face the same situation pull funding from Enable in the USA for actual manufacturing of devices.


Marco Vaquera Tue 26 Jun 2018 10:17PM

@chrisblanchard , that is true mostly for the USA. But consider that each country has different laws, and in many of these, incorporation is the only way to go. In some cases its even illegal to collect funds if not registered as non-profit.
Id like to steer this discussion towards the WHEN and HOW to fund chapter incorporation:
* WHEN - Grant is CONSIDERED if its reasonably expected to enable or significantly enhance the chapter's ability to function. This is a one-time grant, and meant to create self-sufficiency.
* HOW - We need to do our due diligence to verify, to the best of our knowledge, that the grant will be used appropriately, and will produce the expected outcome.
Grant will be APPROVED if requester can demonstrate a sufficient level of commitment : ongoing involvement with e-NABLE, some track record of hands delivered plus a filling-fees written estimate and government issued documents showing the process has been started.

Pulling funding from the USA its an interesting idea when local socioeconomic conditions make it prohibitive for a chapter to function. This would likely be a long term arrangement, so sustainability would have to be considered. You should open a discussion on this idea!


Marco Vaquera Wed 27 Jun 2018 12:59AM

Patrick, I do believe you have my email from our earlier communications
(when I was looking to earn the chapter badge), otherwise let me know and I
will post it.