Tue 9 Apr 2019 10:50PM

Money available to translate Loomio

RG Robert Guthrie Public Seen by 136

Hello and Greetings to everyone in the Loomio Translators group.

We're please to announce that we have a little bit of money (up to $1500 NZD) to spend each month for the next 4 months to support people to translate Loomio into their native language.

I've heard from a few people willing to translate Loomio but sometimes the translation does not reach completion, and sometimes we need to review the quality of translations.

So I'd like to first start a discussion with interested people about what they think the most important work to do is, then we can decide together how to allocate the money to achieve more consistent language support in Loomio.

I also want to say thank you to those people who have been volunteering their time to support Loomio translation. It's something I feel grateful for every day. If you wish to apply for funding please do speak up.


Robert Guthrie Wed 1 May 2019 10:16PM

It seems like the feature you want within Loomio is to be able to authenticate against various OAUTH2 servers.

Do you want this for your own loomio site/private host, or to be able to authenticate your loomio.org group against an oauth service?


Marco Giustini Wed 1 May 2019 10:55PM

@robertguthrie I start from an analysis. Wordpress is the most used software worldwide. It's used by lots of organizations and parties. But it lacks a feature related to giving vote to organizations' members and parties for their internal decisions. IMHO making a Loomio plugin for Wordpress will spread the Loomio usage worldwide. This plugin could be made in two versions, one "hard" with complete integration with Wordpress, that needs to be funded, and one "soft", a WP/Loomio Oauth2 based common users' authentication, that perhpaps you can develop now.


Marco Giustini Wed 1 May 2019 11:01PM

IMHO the "hard" integration with Wordpress, could be based on synchronization between groups created through the WP plugin called Buddypress and Loomio groups, so the members of Buddypress groups can vote on issues using an external secure platform (a SaaS service), Loomio, that gives security about non compromission of votes. https://it.wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress/ . IMHO making that plugin your business model could be more feasible, because organizations and parties that already use Wordpress for their sites, could pay to implement a groups' based internal decision system usalble with the existing software.


Natalia Lombardo Sat 4 May 2019 7:00AM

@robertguthrie @staccotroncoso is part of a translation coop and has been contributingtto Loomio translations already, I'm sure they'll be happy to make this more of a regular job if there's some financial support.


Robert Guthrie Sat 4 May 2019 9:04PM

Great. I'd be happy to chat about it.


Stacco Troncoso Sun 5 May 2019 12:03PM

Hey @robertguthrie, the coop is Guerrilla Translation and we specialise in commons/P2P, anticapitalist and intersectional feminist content.

Right now we're mainly available to do target English and Spanish but I suspect those are covered. Perhaps a copyedit of the Spanish. There's also the possibility of German, French, Gaelic and Chinese but that depends on team availability.