Sat 6 May 2017 12:24PM

Getting the UK map going...

NW Nick Whitelegg Public Seen by 584

Thread to discuss the development of the UK map, including feature discussion, technical issues and other issues such as obtaining a server, server configuration/software installation etc.


Robert Whittaker Fri 20 Oct 2017 2:14PM

There would be advantages in terms of developer time and user familiarity if we just piggybacked on the default OSM style and added our own GB tweaks on top -- such as fixing the road colours, PRoW and stile rendering, welsh language support etc.


Nick Whitelegg Sat 21 Oct 2017 2:59PM

OK, now got the site running on the Freemap server, see http://www.free-map.org.uk/osmuk/. Due to server constraints only Hampshire and West Sussex are covered but this will be enough for a proof-of-concept. Login not working, but will shortly use oauth to authenticate with the main OSM server. Using v2.45.1 of OSM style, as I indicated yesterday - so will stick with this unless there are any objections. GitHub repo at https://github.com/osmuk/website_real, so if anyone wants to hack on the map stylesheets or contribute website code, we're good to go!


Nick Whitelegg Sun 29 Oct 2017 9:30AM

Was having a chat with Jerry yesterday and we came to the decision that it might be better to use Andy Townsend's map style as a basis for this as he's already done a good deal of work on the sort of issues we have to deal with and it will save a lot of effort having to re-invent the wheel, so to speak. Andy - I presume you're happy with this?


Nick Whitelegg Sun 29 Oct 2017 1:12PM

... this is now up on http://www.free-map.org.uk/osmuk. This is Andy's style, very slightly modified to show footpaths and bridleways in Landranger style. Hampshire only.


SomeoneElse Sat 2 Dec 2017 7:23PM

Just a quick note - if no further changes have been made other than "red bridleways" it might be worth re-fetching and reapplying those changes, as there have been a number of changes to the parent style as described at http://map.atownsend.org.uk/maps/map/changelog.html . I suspect that the historic stuff is most worth having (see e.g. Stonehenge http://map.atownsend.org.uk/maps/map/map.html#zoom=20&lat=51.1788263&lon=-1.826101 ) and in the light of the current Shell petrol stations work the changes to show operator and/or brand on those is worth having too.