
What does Diaspora Community mean to you?

T tortoise Public Seen by 50

Flaburgan Wed 12 Sep 2012 9:12AM

What community mean to me ?

This : https://framapad.org/diaspora-community-users


altruism Wed 12 Sep 2012 9:26AM

Flaburgan, god point! in that list we find a mix of people with different backgrounds and skills. They are real, and they are interested in helping the community strive. And I'm sure we could find many more out there.


tortoise Wed 12 Sep 2012 9:16PM

OK, so we have a bunch of interested people. That is great! Now what will we do with them? What is this community? And why aren't all those people invited here to talk about what community is for them? Can we allow their voices here?


Brent Bartlett Wed 12 Sep 2012 10:35PM

MP: That's an interesting question. Right now, the way I see the Loom.io groups shaping up is there are 3 "team" groups, and 3 "proposal" groups. The 3 teams are Documentation, diasporaproject, and Strategy. There is not yet an evangelism, or Street Team.

Perhaps this group could be the grassroots Street Team, to help promote D*, and build community? Just an idea.


tortoise Wed 12 Sep 2012 10:59PM

@Brent: I'm not against a street team. I sort of think all these "teams" is a little premature. I'm not saying I'm acting to block those activities :)

It's just that I'd think that stating the mandates of the community at large should be done first before deciding what to do to act and how to get there.

When I go on a journey I generally decide where I want to go first, or if I'm not driving, I want to know what the bus marquis is declaring as the destination, so that I know ahead of time that it's where I want to go. Traveling adventures are not always like that, but if I'm being asked to contribute my time and my care, I think it is mandatory to want to have a basic idea that I want to go the same place as everyone else on the bus.

Once I know where I'm going, I pull out a map or a compass or both and figure out how to get there and then figure out what I need to make that journey. Then I act.

This is all going the other way around. Everyone is scrambling to get food, gas, clothing, but not saying if we are in agreement of where we are going. It doesn't seem transparent from where I stand. And that makes me ask questions. I have invited some people to participate here, and some have declined because of the history. They want to know where we are going first.

You know the saying, once bitten, twice shy?


Brent Bartlett Wed 12 Sep 2012 11:59PM

MP: I don't think that anything is set in stone right now. We're all learning new things here, and I expect it'll be kinda crazy for awhile. =)