
'Like' shared posts up to the source and inform also the sharing

R riveravaldez Public Seen by 83

[Sorry for the (bad) English, not my native language.]

Typically you see a post shared by someone and then you 'like-it' and share it too, but not the 'like' neither the sharing are "informed" (assigned?) to the original post, so, if you want to recognize the value of the original post you have to go specifically to it in order to 'like-it'. Also, a shared post doesn't take account of the (many) times it can be re-shared by third people.
Wouldn't be nice and proper if the 'likes' works like a cascade up to the original post and all the 're-shared' appears also in the original post as 'shared'?


Xophael Thu 30 Oct 2014 10:41PM

@Goob: I agree comments should stick to the post they're first attached to, though I admit I didn't think about the resharer's pov.
I understand and approve privacy concerns, but in this case, we're dealing with public posts as @Chris reminded us. Besides, the reshare graph tool lets anyone have unrestricted view on who liked and who commented on which post in the graph. Privacy here is quite pointless.

The question underneath all is the purpose of resharing. As it is now, when we reshare a post, it's like we forward it as it is so it appears in our contacts' stream. We can't add anything to it (except comments afterwards, of course). It's different from a post embedding another as a "quote" (which is also possible on D*).
Now why do we reshare if not to spread around a post we liked/found of interest? Have you ever reshared a post you dislike/disapprove of? If your intention was to criticise the original post (OP), I guess you'd rather "quote" it in a post of your own, instead of resharing OP then adding a critical comment to your reshare?
All this to say: if we can reasonably posit all resharers take OP in a positive view, the likes on a reshared post can be safely applied to the OP too. But if usage shows a possible ambiguity on reshares, then it's better to keep things as they are.


Ivan Gabriel Morén Thu 30 Oct 2014 10:57PM

I was thinking, would it be possible to split up the reshare functionality into reshares vs embedded posts? I bet this idea has been around before, but this was my idea:

When resharing, a timestamp on the OP is updated, similar to the interacted_at, which is used when quering public posts. A reference post is then created for the resharer that maybe just "link" to the OP on the pod. When viewing a stream, the most recent reference post creates the elements and the ones that follow aggregates with the first one (reshared by). Reshares would then work almost as they do now, with the difference that the OP is shown along with all the comments and likes.

When embedding a post into a new post, the user can add their own thoughts, and the comments/likes only affect the new post (as they do now).


goob Fri 31 Oct 2014 12:16PM

I understand and approve privacy concerns, but in this case, we’re dealing with public posts as @Chris reminded us. Besides, the reshare graph tool lets anyone have unrestricted view on who liked and who commented on which post in the graph. Privacy here is quite pointless.

My comments are nothing to do with privacy - about stopping people from seeing my comments - but to do with context. If I interact with a certain post by a certain person, I want my comments to appear on that post, in the context of other comments made on that post, and not to appear on another post with a different context (made by a different person, and likely with other comments which I have not seen). If I want to comment on the original post rather than the reshare, guess what? I click on the permalink of the original post and reshare it.


Well, aggregate the reshares causes pretty the same issue.

Indeed there is a similar problem caused by aggregation. I expressed that in a comment on the Github issue I linked to. It is something which would have to be worked out if aggregation was implemented. However I see that as a separate issue, so let's not confuse this discussion by bringing that issue into it.

The only interaction on reshares which I think should be fed back to the original post is the resharing of reshares. I think it would be good for the original poster to get a notification that their post has been reshared, even when it was a reshare of the original post that was reshared.


Deleted account Fri 31 Oct 2014 2:43PM

Indeed there is a similar problem caused by aggregation. I expressed that in a comment on the Github issue I linked to. It is something which would have to be worked out if aggregation was implemented. However I see that as a separate issue, so let’s not confuse this discussion by bringing that issue into it.

You're right !

So on this particular issue, I join myself to your point. I don't see feeding original post with reshare's comments as a good idea. Furthermore, with very popular posts, it could rapidly turn the original post as not understandable with people answering each other with no link with other comments (I don't think the idea is well-explained...)
Something I would refer to in french as "conversations croisées", cross-conversations.


riveravaldez Sat 1 Nov 2014 8:41AM

Just for the record: The initial proposal was only about up-cascade (?) the Likes to the OP (added it to it) and inform it about the total number of re-sharings (with or without the identities). For one side to allow the OPer to know the "social impact" (?) of his/her post and for the other to allow the reader of a re-shared post to "show her/his love" also to the OPer. Certainly, we don't know a priori if that would be always the desire, it's just that in my case it use to be.

About the send/copy/duplicate/etx comments through re-sharings I found the idea completely explosive and cacophonous, can't see the point, would be like a big arena where all the people shout at once in disorder and without coherence.

I guess there's a natural tension between be careful and respectful about the privacy of the people's actions and interactions, and allow the socialization between not-in-my-contacts people.

I agree with:

It would possibly be fair enough to display on the original post the number of likes/reshares made on reshares of that post, [not sure about this] but the identities of those people should not be displayed on the original post, because they did not intend to interact directly with it. [How we know?]


On a seperate topic, we could probably use the ability to share to specific aspects.

@Perig Gouanvic

likes : although one may want to make a distinction between “I like that you shared that” and “I like that”, I’d say likes should go to the OP, as opposed to
comments : which are, for a variety of reasons noted above, local, resharer-related.

In other news: Thanks a lot to everybody for the so many so informative critics and appreciations, !