Mon 14 Sep 2015 9:10PM

Board Meeting 22 September Change meeting frequency

AR Andrew Reitemeyer Public Seen by 242

We are achieving quorum in 1/2 of our scheduled meetings. Shall we meet then once a month formally in Mumble? This would require an uptick in our use of Loomio and perhaps informal Mumble meetings on specific subjects scheduled to suit those attending.


Andrew Reitemeyer Sat 26 Sep 2015 6:40AM

I extended the vote on Karla's proposal The next meeting will be on the first Tuesday of October so we can finalize the vote then.


Nikolay Voronov Sat 26 Sep 2015 8:23AM

"There is a finance group in loomio - I just noticed it had the wrong privacy settings"
in addition:
Membership to this group is by invitation only
This group does not have any discussions yet.