Sun 21 Feb 2016 12:11AM

Updated install instructions for production Loomio installation?

P Pål Public Seen by 47

Hello everyone.

I am happy to have discovered Loomio, and would like to run a local production installation of the software. However I find the current install guide very confusing, and reading some threads in this group indicates that many things have changed since the current install guide was written.

Is there some plans to update the install guide, and make it complete so it's possible to not have to be a linux master in order to install it? I can move around in the command line interface and install stuff on instructions, but I need ALL instructions, not just some of it (where it is assumed I know the rest of it that is not mentioned). Looks like your install guide is mostly aimed at linux professionals and not newbies)

Or...would it be possible to get someone to help me install and configure Loomio on my server, or guide me through it, possibly for some payment if it is not too heavy price? I can set up a basic Ubuntu 14.04 server with LAMP and Iredmail (SMTP) server, but I have problems with Git, Dokku and all the environment variables listed in the current install guide.


GasparI Thu 7 Apr 2016 8:35PM

Many thanks! Tomorrow I'll go through that. Sure.