Fri 19 Oct 2018 7:07AM

Public Relations

JN Jez Nicholson Public Seen by 238

This is more of an update than a question..... One thing that surprises/disappoints me is the lack of OSM 'brand recognition' in the Press and by the public.

One way we think we can improve this is by communicating with local newspapers. To that end, @adamhoyle organised us a free 1-hour advice session with a contact who is a PR Consultant. We came out with a list of ideas, none of them too wacky, and will be putting some of them into action. We will start new threads to discuss them in detail.

Meanwhile, if anyone actually does PR for a living and would like to help, even if only to review a press release, then all assistance is welcome.


Paul Bivand
Mon 12 Nov 2018 9:07PM

OSM did used to pick up flickr tags. So people could tag and comment on things. Rather than necessarily 'best of'


Gregory Marler (former Director) Tue 13 Nov 2018 12:59PM

I'd be interested on leading on this. I could build up a collection/cache of images so I've always got something to post when I can't create anything from OSM or UK news. I could then accept submissions/suggestions somehow.

For having Instagram "teams" (i.e. others don't have the account password but can post directly) it seems really hard to find. 3rd party options like Hootsuite exist ($99/month for 3 users!!!). There's such thing as turning your Instagram account into a business account and I can't see if that helps, but it might get linked to a Facebook business page (and I know they can have multiple users able to post).