Mon 30 Sep 2019 5:04PM

9/30/19: Participate virtually in VRM Day, use to turbo charge efforts to cocreate OPEN HousingID

BW Bill Wendel Public Seen by 180

Today marks the 29th anniversary of Mass Homebuyers Club, see images in the 1st link below about bringing back that concept but NOT focused simply on homebuying. Instead our goal is to enable a range of functionality by giving consumers the ability to manage / monetize their #HousingID


Right now, the #Me2BAlliance is presenting at the Computer Museum in Silicon Valley, and like their statement of principles, our goal is develop functionality based on a real estate consumer bill of rights. That means focusing on privacy rights, and my priorities would be homebuyers and homeowners who are currently targets for predatory real estate business models. What are your priorities and how do you see them fitting into a consumer-centric real estate ecosystem?


If you'd like to listen or watch VRM Day, use these links:

Me2B Alliance Day at IIW

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 165-786-973

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Bill Wendel
[email protected]


Bill Wendel Mon 30 Sep 2019 10:10PM

Turning now to Standards of Practice, real estate buyer agents have had both Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics for two decades:



Here's an example of how those benefits can be communicated to the public:



Bill Wendel Mon 30 Sep 2019 10:51PM

Posted a version of the above in response to the question, "what's the biggest bang for the buck for Me2B to take on, presumably to create awareness about the importance and real impact on consumers. Submitted my nomination via Twitter:
