Wed 24 Aug 2016 7:12AM


PP Pascual PG Public Seen by 307

As the CivicTech Lab is an independant group, should we create an slack account specificaly for this Lab? In order to be completly emancipated from any other group? Could be this part of the protocol to create a lab? In which the 1st step is to set the core team and the second step is to emancipated the that team?


Francesco Previti Wed 24 Aug 2016 2:07PM

I think that everything depends from if the Lab is developing its work in relation with the others activity of CivicWise or not.
Another slack will not allow to have a constant integration with other lines of research and projects of the community. As Civicwise is an open platform any collaborators of the civictechLab can join.


Poll Created Wed 24 Aug 2016 2:28PM

Independent Slack account for independent CTL? Closed Sat 27 Aug 2016 2:00PM


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 50.0% 1 P
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 50.0% 1 PP
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 1 FP

2 of 3 people have participated (66%)


Paul-Marie Wed 24 Aug 2016 2:45PM

I think that the investigation and the work develop by the CTL will be used both within CW and CLB. Yet, if we envision the CTL as an openlab it should be an independent body and thus have a independent slack channel (people joining CTL in the future might not come from CW nor CLB).


Francesco Previti Thu 25 Aug 2016 3:33PM

hello everybody, after using using a while Loomio I suggest that maybe it is not the most appropriated tool to take a decision because it's based on voting proposal instead of discussing and sharing the needs and the reasons behind a proposal to get to a collective consensus, as we always foster.
Maybe Discourse can help us to explain better our ideas and our needs of making a decision.