Thu 8 Sep 2016 10:45AM

Restart: A distribution key for incoming member contributions

JVO Jan Van Opstal Public Seen by 360

As hijacking a proposal before a open discussion with arguments is not a good way to clear out .....

I would like to restart in the drafting zone the discussion of a distribution key for incoming membership fee's from the pirates between the different crews.


Jan Van Opstal Mon 12 Sep 2016 10:37AM

So i recall the thread.... (because I can not change it in the header)

A distribution key for incoming membership fee's, could be a way to automatic create funds for the whole Pirate tree.

In Belgium we have 5 levels:

L Name........Lists.........Max.Seats

  1. European......(1).................[24]
  2. Federal.........(1).................[71]
  3. Regional.......(3)...............[243]
  4. Province.....(10)...............[738]
  5. City...........(589)..........[13.000] .

Total..............(604)............[14.076]..... (*)


For each election level, the Pirates can form election lists....

In order to avoid nepotism and arbitrariness,
long discussions and loss of time ....

A one time agreement could be established promoting confidence and a easy way of working, stimulating to recruit new Pirate members....

Are there objections against a 5 level distribution instead of the 2 level distribution who is now part of the proposition of the Jan Cabouter ASBL-VZW ?

Please argument ....

If no, then are there propsals how this key would look like....

In function of the seats? Or another key ?

( * In de stad Antwerpen zijn er naast provincie- en gemeenteraadsverkiezingen, ook rechtstreekse districtraadsverkiezingen in de 9 districten van deze stad.)


Pat Seynaeve Sat 24 Sep 2016 1:09AM

It seems that once a proposal arrived in another zone, interest is gone


Vincent Sat 24 Sep 2016 9:53AM

Yeah, and it seems that once a proposal has been written in the statutes, nobody cares. Better stop here than there.


Jan Van Opstal Sat 24 Sep 2016 10:36AM

Why stop here.? The proposal in the statutes of the ASBL are not refined enough. How will they solve the financing for crews who will go for the province applications.... just abandon those 738 payed positions?


Jan Van Opstal Sat 24 Sep 2016 10:41AM

The Crew in Liege uses Loomio for a longer time. For other crews it is new.... But if it comes to direct democracy for the moment this the only real tool..... 24/24 7/7 open for everyone.... (who as access to the internet)


Thierry Fenasse Fri 25 Nov 2016 8:49PM

FR: Est-ce qu'un modérateur de ce groupe, pourrait déplacer ce fil de discussion vers le groupe parent Permanent Assembly dans le but de supprimer ce sous-groupe Drafting Zone qui rend les choses plus compliquées que nécessaire. Merci

EN: Can a moderator of this group move this thread to the parent Permanent Assembly group in order to delete this subgroup Drafting Zone which makes things more complicated than necessary. Thank you

NL: Sorry, I do not speak Neederlands :crying_cat_face: