Mon 14 Dec 2015 7:58PM

App: facilitate transition from FB

RD Richard Decal Public Seen by 362

As it stands,it takes a lot of motivation and time investment by early adopters to organize a transition to D*.

I recently made an infographic (hosted here: https://github.com/isomerase/join-diaspora-meme) where I propose everyone makes a D* account and leave it dormant until all their friends join, and then switch at once.

The problem is, there's no directory of your FB friends on D* or automatic tools to rebuild your social network.


Elm Fri 18 Dec 2015 4:58PM

there is also a more simple solution : Add an "*" after your name on facebook (if this is possible, but maybe this is not easy or limited) or better in the avatar image directly (but this might be difficult for some user ? Maybe a webapp for this ?).