
Finance : Remerciement - Dank - Thanks

PI Patrick Installé Public Seen by 15

Patrick Installé Sat 15 Dec 2018 9:09AM

Standard message for thanks memberships ?

[fr] Nous avons bien reçu votre contribution au trésor Pirates.
[nl] We hebben je bijdrage aan de Pirates-schat ontvangen.
[en] We have received your contribution to the Pirates treasure.
[de] Wir haben Ihren Beitrag zum Piratenschatz erhalten.


Josse Sat 22 Dec 2018 9:34AM

Piratenschat dan. I think we can at least thank them then. We want to thank you for the contribution to our small Pirates treasure. As a small party we can use every penny as the government is not subsidizing us. (I don't know if we need to link to the site where you tell what is happening with the money)


Ilja Sat 22 Dec 2018 6:00PM

Ah yes, adding link to finance (or whatever other places we have that explains what happens to the money) would be a good idea here