Fri 16 Mar 2018 8:27AM

CultureBanks Legal and Governance

LM Liam Murphy Public Seen by 107

A thread for several possibilities; eg, Governance models, suggested adaptations of the Kleiner 'Peer Production Licence' (PPL) for real life scenarios, other wider legal considerations etc.


Liam Murphy Thu 12 Apr 2018 6:58AM

From: https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Commons_Trusts

  1. Tommaso Fattori:

"Commons trusts are normally considered legal entities responsible for protecting shared assets, and which have a fiduciary duty to preserve natural and material commons - such as natural systems, water, air, land, and biodiversity - and to protect, regenerate or create social, cultural, digital and intellectual Commons, such as Wikipedia and the Internet itself. Such trusts can be located either inside the boundaries of one state or be trans-border, according to the size and range of the resource and/or of its relative community of interest."

  1. James Quilligan

= "Co-governance and Co-production of a Commons asset by a local community of producers and users with the primary goal of preserving the resource for future generations. Local trusts must coordinate regionally and cooperate across regions creating Global Trusts to effectively safeguard global commons"