Wed 8 Jul 2015 12:46PM

JoinDiaspora - The future ?

PS Pavithran S Public Seen by 116

You all might already be aware of the fact that after a recent upgrade JD is really a mess .

Mostly agreed issues are

  • Purge unused old accounts.
  • Active users - move to smaller pods , federate !

Having said that I personally am very sad at the entire episode of post upgrade maintenance of JD .Yes technically there are issues and maxwell is definitely working hard to fix them but looking at the issues as a end user who just logs into JD as a regular user to communicate with friends , its getting hard and we might be loosing people . By loosing people I don't mean loosing people to other pods ( which would be awesome ). People who still are stuck to JD are those very early adopters who have gained significant friends and have participated in many discussions and just don't want to move the account because of the lack of restore option for the backed up data !

What could be done ?

  • Restore tool as a high priority - So that some big accounts could be moved.
  • Fedration issues like lack of timeline/stream for small pods could be fixed ( or are they already fixed ? )

* very silly thing - but obvious question can't we have more bigger machines ? like more RAM or CPU ?

Having said that please excuse my ignorance if there are some mistakes in what I said. feel free to correct me.


Jason Robinson Fri 10 Jul 2015 5:35PM

yeah that would be helpful , especially for most of us to spread far and have our own servers.

I'm afraid my solution might be very heavy on very small pods... but since it would be opt-in I guess that would be ok. I'll try and write more about it today. Got a PoC solution almost ready.


Pavithran S Sat 11 Jul 2015 1:53PM

Check this issue about synchronisation of comments. This definitely is not just the JD issue but it affects the entire community. https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/3820367


Jason Robinson Sun 12 Jul 2015 8:43AM

Maxwell answered me yesterday. Apparently the sidekiq workers are consuming more RAM than before and dying out - which causes long pauses to happen and thus the queue piles up. He promised to up the ram limits to get rid of the queue. Again, problem caused by joindiaspora being too big (and thus we should help by moving our official project account away).

Last night abt 12 hours ago the queue was approx 87K. It's now down to 23K queued messages. So I see light at the end of the tunnel for joindiaspora.

Also, @pavithrans the problems you are seeing with comments are exactly due to this pileup of messages, not because the sofware is generally broken.