Thu 31 Dec 2015 12:55PM

A new constitution for democratic confederation of communities.

D DirectAdmin Public Seen by 297

this is the first draft of a potential constitution for a post Westminster democracy society, you may share it, but only changes suggested and voted on here will be added to the next draft.

feel free to cut it to shreds, some things may be repeated, some may need more details.

some things may not make the final draft at all.

this may be shared anywhere as public resource but it must be linked back to this loomio group.
credit must be given to the community behind this group who dragged through facebook for the longest time to develop what this is so far.

i hope some part of this changes the world for my children and theirs.


Greg Cassel Fri 1 Jan 2016 3:48AM

I don't think the world has much time either. "Long-term" is a subjective concept in my comment above.

I think that a truly inclusive constitution of common interests at a global level may evolve as we address a variety of challenges at each level of society, but mostly from the grassroots up in small communities which converge at broader levels.

We can brainstorm and model constitutions which may be more or less appropriate for a global society which emerges from real community interactions. I think that such models will only come to fruition if they coincide with many other realizations about how we talk and how we collaborate. Frankly, I'm quite skeptical that we could ever get most people to accept such realizations via some masterful complex, holistic argument, such as a complete constitution.

(I strongly favor modular design and modular organization.)

You've written well, and many anarchists might agree with most of what you've already composed without any real resistance. Many others would dismiss the whole idea immediately because, well, they don't really believe in society based on voluntary relationships to begin with. That's where my battle seems to mostly lie: developing anarchism itself, and making it persuasively effective and powerful at significant scales of community.


DirectAdmin Fri 1 Jan 2016 3:56AM

Everyone is talking. Only Rojava is trying.

They aren't big, but they are bookchin based.

We are either working together or working apart. I'm hoping that this might generate some buzz for working together.

People like you and already follow some version of this inside us. With luck, we can get people to talk. Communicate and collaborate.

And if things go south, maybe some of this will help little direct democracies kick off.

I'd love to get the rights and responsibilities separated from this. Or laid out in a more easily fashion.


Greg Cassel Fri 1 Jan 2016 4:11AM

The ongoing, living experiment in Rojava is deeply awesome.

Like I said, I have other priorities, and from my personal perspective those priorities are more urgent than your goals here. I could give you a bunch of reading material to 'justify' my focus on basic issues in communications and collaboration, instead of political organization. However, I'm content to agree to disagree on personal priorities.

I'm not trying to dissuade you in the huge goal here; I'm just trying to point out some challenges I personally perceive. I can definitely put more thought into this, and try to help it evolve. Who knows; maybe it will develop to a state which I can identify with.


DirectAdmin Fri 1 Jan 2016 4:14AM

I'm hoping that's the case for all of us


DirectAdmin Fri 1 Jan 2016 4:17AM

I'm dualistic... I'm working on this, while also doing local preparation for more urgent matters.