Mon 5 Nov 2018 3:18PM

So, is this thing still alive?

A Alan (@alanz) Public Seen by 47

I last checked in two months ago when the storm was raging But is has gone very quiet since then.


Bob Haugen Thu 8 Nov 2018 6:37PM

do you think we need a full time dev-ops person?

Don't know, I have not been involved in keeping this ship afloat. Whoever has been doing the work might have a good guess.


Matt Noyes Thu 8 Nov 2018 6:10PM

Hi Manuela! I really want to do the sharing circle you proposed. (The Happy Hour is more like a podcast at this point.) I think we need a month or so to get the CWG Ops team on its feet. Then we can return to community-building through your kind offer, Robert's revitalization ideas, Leo's fund-raising proposals, and more. Are you available to join the ops team?


Alan (@alanz) Thu 8 Nov 2018 7:57PM

I would expect that the devops work per se would be maximum a couple of days a month, but with a requirement for people to be available to jump in at a moment notice if there is a problem. And probably having someone cast an eye at a control panel every now and then, to check everything in order, call it half an hour a day.

I think the CWG is more ongoing, but also more tolerant of delayed response. And probably makes up say half an hour a day.

Just guesses, to keep the conversation going.


Alan (@alanz) Wed 14 Nov 2018 8:43PM

Given our previous problems came during explosive growth, and we are worried about budget, perhaps we could restart taking members, but only on a payment basis.
This should produce a trickle only, and help us smooth out the on-boarding process.

When we decide we are ready for new members, that is.