Wed 5 Oct 2016 8:46AM

Discussion Points Forming

ST Sam Toland Public Seen by 444

It is clear that everyone involved in this group is stimulated by the idea of a micro-blogging Platform Co-op, and were inspired by @ntnsndr #buytwitter call to action.

But obviously there are many ways to do this - and I am happy to note that some different point's of view are developing already. I think this is an eminently good thing.

I've decided to map them here for reference until we are using a more appropriate tool.

(1) Buy Twitter - organise, incorporate, fundraising, politicise, buy twitter. The original vision.

(2) Build capacity to buy a deathstar - build the legal, financial, and social structures so that when the next opportunity comes along there is a funded and democratically controlled org. in place to acquire. (@sureshfernando @chrisbeelby are discussing among others)

(3) Start a micro-blogging Platform Co-op - let's just start from scratch, organise, incorporate, raise capital and build the future platform co-op. (What @stevenpalmer @priscillagrim and @zbanshee are discussing).

Anything I have missed out let me know.

I think it would be most productive at this stage to engage with all options with an open mind - we have some time to tease out all the issues. :)


Priscilla Grim Wed 12 Oct 2016 1:35PM

Also, Jack Dorsey, the brilliant inventor/founder of Twitter announced his intentions to turn Twitter into a "people's news network" http://www.voiceobserver.com/44376-twitter-inc-twtr-aims-on-becoming-peoples-news-network-jack-dorsey/


Nathan Schneider Thu 13 Oct 2016 1:52AM

Quite amazing! I just added that line to the #manifesto, @priscillagrim. cc: @brendandenovan


john gieryn Tue 1 Nov 2016 11:04PM

[sign-post] The #communications slack channel is, I believe, where this discussion moved, and @dannyspitzberg started a great directory for talking points


Johnny Haeusler Thu 3 Nov 2016 11:56AM

We need someone who knows Jack Dorsey. And then an informal meeting with some of us.