Sat 30 Jun 2018 7:24PM

Leadership of OurField

AR Abby Rose Public Seen by 46

We need 4 people from the collective to step forward to be part of the core leadership team, driving the direction for OurFieldWeston for the next year. Basic things like deciding dates of events and assigning someone to organise. Working with Graham to inform people when important discussions/decisions are coming up and working with John to ensure he is happy with the OurField setup. As well as looking at the accounts from Grahame and discussing on behalf of the collective.
Initially it will be selected by those who are keen, and then if we have too many we will pick from a hat. But in future years this could be voted for.



Abby Rose Sat 30 Jun 2018 7:31PM

Hello all. As of January 31st this year there has been no official leadership team supporting OurFieldWeston as the previous one disbanded. After discussions with a few OurField members it was agreed that we would like to have a core leadership team of 4 people from the collective who will keep OurFieldWeston on track. They will liaise with Grahame and John on behalf of the 60 co-investors to plan decisions, votes, dates for events and ensure that the relationship remains positive and that other co-investors are kept informed and engaged. This will allow for some of the logistics of running OurField to happen more effectively. It also acknowledges that some people have more time than others to put into this, and so this allows a few members to be more active and act in all of our interests. So please speak up if you would like to put yourself forward to be one of the OurFieldWeston Collective Leaders for the next year...


Christine Lewis Sun 1 Jul 2018 1:06PM

Hi Abby - happy to put myself forward. Thanks for proposing this.


Tony Allan Sun 1 Jul 2018 3:48PM

Dear Abby
Very many thanks for sending out the invitation. I'd be pleased to make a contribution for a couple of years. I have more time than most. I just wish I knew more about marketing. No problem if not confirmed. Best Tony Allan


Abby Rose Wed 4 Jul 2018 6:41AM

Great thanks both! I realised that I didn't put a deadline on this...so have just added it in above. The deadline to respond by if you would like to put yourself forward as a leader is Tuesday 10th July.


Grahame Hunter Wed 4 Jul 2018 10:38AM

Good idea Abby. I am away until the 6th but if you need input from me I can reply then. You might care to look at the articles of association for Our Field Weston, which sets out parameters for this (voting structure etc.).


wahome Wed 4 Jul 2018 11:21AM

in, and roping @harrygreenfield1 as well, though he reserves the right to free speech:/ we met a couple of weeks ago for a sober conversation on just this: nurturing the glaring social potential - around the constraints - of the collective. we hoped to share more baked thoughts in short order, layered on a monthly gathering, incl. periodic farm trips. would be great to align with a couple more energised folk for the baking.


Harry Greenfield Tue 10 Jul 2018 8:04AM

As @wahome says, we had a good chat recently about organissing some events, but while I'm happy to help with individual things like that, I'm not sure I can commit to being fully involved in the core team! Luckily seems like others have volunteered though.


wahome Wed 4 Jul 2018 1:44PM

suggested addition to the remit as it's core to my interests: optimising collaboration/participation.


Oliver Rubinstein Thu 5 Jul 2018 3:44PM

I'd be up for getting involved too.


Grahame Hunter Sat 7 Jul 2018 6:18PM

leadership team

I shall be delighted by this development; and I hope the very first task of the new team will be to organise as soon as possible a summer meeting - perhaps as early as August? I can confirm that there are funds for this.

Perhaps too, a gathering of members can also become a quorum for some decisions about the last harvest, the range of choices and frequency of votes about the next harvest ?

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