Wed 22 May 2019 12:02PM

Unable To Install via Docker

BB Brendan Butler Public Seen by 57

Hey there! I have been following the steps in https://github.com/loomio/loomio-deploy/blob/master/README.md

Though I'm running across a problem. When I get to the Initialize the database step, I am getting this error:

I double checked and I did not miss a step listed.


Klaus Kobald Wed 22 May 2019 6:51PM

same here. it cannot work, because at that time there is no container running. So i tried docker-compose up -d first and then run the createdb command. I ended up with the services running but the server only produces a 500 error. Problem not solved. :slight_frown:
A real walkthru would be great to have.


Brendan Butler Wed 22 May 2019 6:55PM

I agree. A better walkthrough would be appreciated, from someone who usually installs from source Docker is rather confusing lol.

The current walkthrough looked like it had a lot of potential, looked simple and easy to install. Until this :p


Jordan Sat 1 Jun 2019 8:46AM

Hi guys !
I think I can help you for your problem @brendanbutler

When you run Loomio for the first time, you need to initialize the database with the following command

docker-compose up -d db 

It runs just the database docker container

docker exec -ti loomio-db su - postgres -c 'createdb loomio_production'

It creates the "loomio_production" database in PostgreSQL database

docker-compose run app rake db:setup

It initialize all you need in the database for make loomio works

After that (and only after these 3 operations), you can run all the containers

docker-compose up -d

Then you need to wait 5/10min that loomio-app finish the installation. If you try to get your page just after running the containers, you will have a 500 error. It's in the README of loomio-deploy

Before the rails server is started, the javascript client is built, which can take up to 5 minutes. This only happens the first time you start a new Loomio version - restarts should be faster.

Hope it helps :)
PS: sry for my poor english héhé :D