Tue 21 Oct 2014 12:43PM

Organisational Structure and Internal Party Democracy

DU Michael Public Seen by 272

We now have the opportunity to build a democratic organisational culture from the bottom up.

We need to engage with the wider membership to determine how we can structure ourselves to facilitate good communication, opportunities to identify the future leaders and the methods that we can achieve outcomes from a simple decision making process.

We are only restricted by the current Constitution until we can bring forward a number of motions and organise a Special General Meeting. At this Special General Meeting we can make a start on the changes needed and follow the rest up in the AGM in 2015.

Right now lets start the discussion. How should we structure the Party? From grassroots up to the Executive Board.

If you are meeting in local meetups or with other Internet Party People please provide summaries here in Loomio of what the thoughts are from you area of the country. You can attach documents or provide links elsewhere to support the summary
you write.

Lets keep this discussion based on organisational structure (lets keep policy talk in other threads) and we will examine how each suggestion achieves or does not achieve good internal party democracy.


Fred Look Tue 21 Oct 2014 11:01PM

Yes I am guessing! as I read the constitution a decision to dissolve is for the exec alone and I think that they must make an informed decision and we abide by it. Nothing in that would prevent us from creating another vehicle or taking over the lists. However I dont guess that they will dissolve so I wait noisily. When I emailed members@ I was told we are working on it so someone is there


Ross Burrows Wed 22 Oct 2014 9:48AM

One of the key underlying issue in the above unresolved dilemna is the list of members.

The best way to tackle any uncertainty would be to contact our entire membership and ask some key questions.

How many wish to continue their membership?
Existing structure, new structure?
Appointed leaders, elected leader?

etc. etc.


Vikram Wed 22 Oct 2014 8:05PM

I am posting this as a member of the Executive Committee. Yes, the party and the Committee still exists. There have been discussions with members and within the Committee about the best way to move the party forward, one that meets the interests of the membership and is also pragmatic. No decisions have yet been made. In any case, major decisions will involve the membership. Laila is the party's leader and two staff are still on board tidying up things- the Party Secretary and Campaign Director.


Fred Look Wed 22 Oct 2014 8:48PM

Thank you vikram


Fred Look Wed 22 Oct 2014 9:12PM

One of the major and ongoing risks to any political party is the tendency to form cliques. People tend to discuss with people they know. It is easy for a party leadership to become a closed group as happened to the greens. I am not suggesting any ill will or that that is happening here. What I am saying and from considerable experence is that unless this natural tendency is recognised and actively mitigated it will happen here to the detrement of our common goal. The most important diversity that must be actively pursued is Social diversity.


Ross Burrows Thu 23 Oct 2014 9:49PM

Thank you for that Vikram. I will stop stirring now that we have some official words to go on. Bit of mystery why it took a month to get it.

I te


Ross Burrows Thu 23 Oct 2014 9:55PM

Oops. I tend to agree with Fred, the management of the Internet Party has been quite top down with appointees making decisions then announcing them.

This didn't help our election chances.

Hope the new management style canvasses the memberdhip before


Ross Burrows Thu 23 Oct 2014 10:01PM

Sorry, writing this on a cellphone. Before making important decisions. The combined intelligence and best interests of members would be better than a small exclusive committee.

A camel is a horse designed by a commitee.

A commitee is like a dark passageway where good ideas are tied up and slowly strangled . . .


seann paurini Sat 25 Oct 2014 1:38AM

Thank Vikram. That's good news. How can we get committee or admin folk to respond to queries? Since I joined a few months back I've never had responses to queries I've made. Thanks


Dan van Wylich Sat 25 Oct 2014 9:33AM

Thank you @vikramkumar
'If' this is a truly democratic party, then we need to continue the discussions online (involving as many members as possible, including the self-elected committee). It is no good that we criticise New Zealand's major political decisions made behind closed doors and then have an (more or less) unknown committee making decisions inside the party. Is the party for the people or not?

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