Wed 15 Jan 2014 2:29PM

HTTP Message PSR

BS Bernhard Schussek Public Seen by 5

(copied from the actual PHP-FIG ML)

I formally propose that the FIG begins the process of creating an HTTP message proposal. This has been previously suggested, but not pursued formally until now.

Based on the bylaws, I must first announce this as a pre-draft to see if others are interested in an HTTP message proposal (see https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/bylaws/004-psr-workflow.md#21-pre-draft).

Here is the proposal that I have put together: https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/pull/244

A team has been selected:

  • Editor: Michael Dowling
  • Coordinator/Sponsor: Phil Sturgeon
  • Sponsor: Beau Simensen
  • Contributor: Chris Wilkinson (some work is derived from his original proposal)

Please note: This email is meant only to gauge interest in such a proposal and not to determine if everyone agrees with the standard being presented.

Michael (AWS)


Bernhard Schussek Wed 15 Jan 2014 2:30PM

no objections