Thu 21 Jun 2018 9:37PM

How shall we design the donation pathway?

LF Luke Flegg Public Seen by 291

When a gig is completed (or when it's booked, depending when we invite/require users to donate pay) money will be donated - but to who / how? :moneybag: :money_with_wings:

For example, regardless of how it appears to the user, we must decide whether the money goes into our account first, or to Help Refugees (or somewhere else?)
What payment processor(s) do we want to use? etc

Best case scenario

Payment user journey

Google Doc for listing various potential donation pathways: for sharing with legal/finance/tech experts so they can help us work out the MOST ideal of them:

What does 'ideal donation pathway' mean?

Hirer clicks Pay button & pays - quick and unconfusing!
* If they have payment processor (PP) account > Enter password > Pay
* If they don’t have PP account > Create one > Pay
* Or - Use guest account (enter card details etc, but system will forget you)
* It’s very clear how much of their money reaches who

No fees are taken by payment processor
* I think PayPal for example (and Stripe?) both offer fee-free charity donations?

Gift Aid is added
* Ideally to the whole value of the gig (so a £10 gig results in £12 reaching causes)

Dignity is not taxed for receiving donations
* Since we’re Pay As You Feel (and everyone is free to pay nothing) we hopefully don’t have to be taxed?

Minimal admin for us / Help Refugees
* Nice clean, simple accounting

Resources to reference
Alfred's Google doc "Accounting system for donations"
Phone call with Bryony (I recommend downloading rather than streaming)


Alfred Seni Wed 27 Jun 2018 12:24PM

I would probably go with Bryony on this; We might need to come to agreement with HR on this issue through discussion between Bryon and finance person of HR, these will cover the accounting and the legal side. Secondly, the solution agreed by the account/finance people(of dignity and HR) might need to be discussed with tech people to see what they feel about it( how its going to be implemented in the platform). Other elements I think would be good to have think a bit more is whether we solely focus on bringing as much donation as possible( number of donation and amount of donations) and work out the elements of fees and tax. In all cases, the bottom line might be a long-term solution that works for both dignity and Help Refugees.


Gail Bainbridge Tue 10 Jul 2018 9:13AM

Firstly I don’t think PayPal is fee free even for charity donations


Gail Bainbridge Tue 10 Jul 2018 9:15AM

If you collect the donations as an intermediary I think you can collect gift aid (but not on any amount that goes to you). Essentially you’ll be an intermediary, as an intermediary you may be required to issue annual statements to all donors each year https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/gift-aid-and-intermediaries/gift-aid-and-intermediaries.

You will be taxed on your profits as a company also as there is no clause to not be taxed unless you are a charity yourself.


Luke Flegg Thu 12 Jul 2018 6:02PM

@gailbainbridge ! Exciting to see a comment from you on here, and thanks for that :pray: really helpful article. I knew there was a way of collecting Gift Aid on behalf on charities.
Inspired by the responses on here I've created this doc which lists the best ways we could design our donation pathway - in terms of best user experience & positive social impact. Hopefully with this, we can work out what the closest we can get is to our number 1 fav option, legally and tech-wise:



Pasco Fri 13 Jul 2018 8:25AM

@lukeflegg your link isn't working. @gailbainbridge thank you!!


Luke Flegg Fri 13 Jul 2018 4:48PM

Cheers mate, added the S on the end now so should work 🤗


Luke Flegg Fri 10 Aug 2018 12:50PM

Hmm.. Shall I create another 'personal' bank account (which I don't actually use for personal stuff) with Metrobank, into which all charity donations raised through Dignity get paid into,

then I make those donations to the charities, accruing full Gift Aid?

Not a long term solution of course, but for pilot, could be the best of all worlds?


Luke Flegg Tue 4 Sep 2018 1:24PM

My latest leaning is toward setting up a PayPal.me link for Dignity platform
(like http://PayPal.me/dignityplatform/10 ) that doesn't charge fees. For it to be fee free, the payer needs to select 'Friends & family' rather than 'paying for goods' I think.
Also our PayPal account needs to be linked directly to a bank account (not just a card). There may be an issue with it being a business bank account, so I'll investigate that unless someone else is able to take this on for me.
If there's no way to receive PayPal.me donations fee-free with Dignity's bank account, my learning is toward using an otherwise personal bank account (not used for anything else) which either passes the money on to Dignity (via fee-free bank transfer) or simply donates directly to chosen charit(y/ies)


Poll Created Tue 25 Sep 2018 1:53PM

Let's use Dignity platform inbuilt payment system Closed Thu 11 Oct 2018 1:02PM

Members will be able to pay for gigs with their Paypal account (or a guest account) to Dignity. Paypal will charge 3% for this service, but it feels worthwhile for the automation. Dignity team will then pay out the donations monthly to charity/s - without Gift Aid.

We have explored the options to gain Gift Aid, but have decided it takes too much effort to redesign the donation pathway, plus add lots of extra admin for our members, charities and our team.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 75.0% 3 LF P DU
Abstain 25.0% 1 AE
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 5 CBS AS GB AWG E

4 of 9 people have participated (44%)


Luke Flegg
Tue 25 Sep 2018 1:58PM

Hopefully in the future we can get Gift Aid added to donations/payments through Dignity, or at least avoid paying payment processor (or other) fees, but for now I think simplicity (both for users and us) is enough to make this option win for now.
Also, it means everything is nicely automated so Hirer, User and Dignity all get instantly notified of donations/payments (I guess they're somewhere in between in Dignity) and we can easily view all gig statuses in ShareTribe admin dashboard

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