Sun 27 Jan 2019 8:22PM

Welcome! Please introduce yourself

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Take a moment to let the group know a bit about who you are. Post a comment below.

What’s your role or approach to participation in this group? What should people know about you to understand where you’re coming from?


JL Mon 18 Nov 2019 7:02PM

Hiya, town/local group coord here, been lurking around Loomio since someone mentioned it a few months ago in a Media and Messaging training session. It is appealing to me in a way that Mattermost isn't for some reason...(and I haven't tried Discourse at all yet).
Interested in how the migration situation develops.
Time poor atm, but will check back in future when feasible. Best wishes, Jess x


Curious Mind Wed 20 Nov 2019 8:07PM

Digital strategist, marketing specialist, economist. Interested in art, international networks, human rights, human behaviour, psychology and mind-body connection.

And curious, very curious.

Flawed, but at your service!


Simon Parker Mon 25 Nov 2019 10:27PM

So I'm Simon. I'm director of strategy for a London council and got involved on the margins of the last rebellion. Starting to get involved in XR locally but still fundamentally a bit confused about how XR works and what I can usefully do to help.