Sun 30 Jul 2017 9:26AM

Who is working now on Open Apps Ecosystem?

BH Bob Haugen Public Seen by 121

Who is working on something now that they think belongs in an Open Apps Ecosystem?

If someone does, he needs to add his action here so anyone can see it. In the FOR NEWCOMMERS column, you have all the documentation you need on "how you can add an action"

What is it?

Where is it?

How can other people get involved?


Tibor Katelbach Sun 30 Jul 2017 5:22PM

things seem to be heating up in the channel :) +111

as for Communecter, it mustn't be a game breaker but a game builder , or just a brick amongst others.
In the process of buidling things for the french ecosystem working on the commons, We build a "no brand version" which is interesting for trying to step away from any Branding and naming issue. Which, many beleive (so do I ) is a big source of the problem.
Getting a real ecosystem to work out , means :
1 - we (any of our communities) can seemlessly use and benefit 1.1 from each of our features,
1.2 - from any of our open data content and Each communities users decide what is opendata and what is not

2 - we all contribute to a common system (database and/or feature base ) , that grows not only through a common app but by the relations and contributions of each the ecosystems plateform

I won't go into detail, on how we (Communecter) imagined and are doing all this , but it's happening with a few use cases (apps and apis interconnecting ) and will be getting better month after month.
This would be a great call for discussion amongst architects , designer and developpers as you propose @lynnfoster

Our friends at Framasoft have a user DB, that can access a whole list of open source projects , it's part of solution but not all of it , and if I'm not mistaken, they are building an Linux distrib OS based on whyYouNoHost , that only contains open source installed apps , all this because Framasoft doesn't want to host you as a user, and is going for a distributed mainstream system.
Anyone today can do this on his own computer, they are just packaging it conveniantly.
I still undrestand this is not exactly what you have in mind and you want something directly online without a system to install.
If the ecosystem works out, I think the question remains on who serves and pays the service ?

so let's make it a call, with pleasure


Bob Haugen Sun 30 Jul 2017 5:39PM

I think the question remains on who serves and pays the service ?

Very important question. I think one trend is everybody hosts their own node, and organizations host their own node.

I am not a bigtime blockchain fan, but blockchains pay for hosting and operating the consensus method(s) by transaction fees. We also see more organizations taking responsibility for developing as well as hosting their own systems.

[edit] I missed this question, read too fast:

I still undrestand this is not exactly what you have in mind and you want something directly online without a system to install.

I suspect different people in this group have different things in mind...


Marc Farré Sun 30 Jul 2017 5:41PM

Yes, I would like to build an ecosystem for non "geek" people.
Give to everyone the possibility to work without proprietary software.

And link it to a social platform such as Communecter so people can meet each other and make their project being known (and much more !).

I think the question remains on who serves and pays the service ?

Ha ha ! That's an eternal problem. Let's do it, and if many people enjoy it we will ask them to contribute or help us to find resources.


Lynn Foster Sun 30 Jul 2017 6:15PM

I won't go into detail, on how we (Communecter) imagined and are doing all this , but it's happening with a few use cases (apps and apis interconnecting ) and will be getting better month after month. This would be a great call for discussion amongst architects , designer and developpers

I look forward to learning more of the detail and the use cases!

I'll start a separate discussion....


Draft Sun 30 Jul 2017 6:09PM

I think the question remains on who serves and pays the service ?

The question could be : Who makes this job ? Who construct the machines ? (If we think in term of new economical organisation)


Lynn Foster Tue 1 Aug 2017 1:05PM


This hangout is starting now - to look at Communecter, and talk about vocabulary and interoperability. We'll record it, in case you wanted to join but couldn't.


Tibor Katelbach Tue 1 Aug 2017 3:17PM

here's the recording
thanks for joinning @lynnfoster @bobhaugen hope it was clear (and fun ;) )


Lynn Foster Tue 1 Aug 2017 3:53PM

I highly recommend people watch or at least skim the recording of today's demo. And yes it was fun! :)

We talked about others doing the same thing. Bob and I would volunteer to do one, in maybe 2 weeks. It would be NRP/OCP (brief because it is an app among many, not a linking app), Locecon (still pretty brief, might have some linking possibilities but we don't know), and ValueFlows (meant to create links among apps). If there is time in one session (which there well might be), we could also include the new Kamasi front-end, which also has linking possibilities, if @ivan116 is willing. It right now talks to NRP/OCP but the goal is to make it more independent.

Or if someone else wants to go first, that is good too.


Bob Haugen Tue 1 Aug 2017 4:31PM

We also talked about where to communicate. I'm dropping some links here for @tiborkatelbach to see if the Communecter vocabulary translation system can handle them. I'll also put them in the Wekan action, and also in https://chat.lescommuns.org/channel/open.apps.ecosystem once I get an account there.

They are from the ValueFlows Vocabulator demo.
* Agents:
* http://valueflows.pythonanywhere.com/vocab/agents/json/
* http://valueflows.pythonanywhere.com/vocab/agents/json-ld/
* Agent Relationships:
* http://valueflows.pythonanywhere.com/vocab/agentrelationships/json/
* http://valueflows.pythonanywhere.com/vocab/agentrelationships/json-ld/
* For a stretch goal, Processes:
* http://valueflows.pythonanywhere.com/vocab/processes/json/
* http://valueflows.pythonanywhere.com/vocab/processes/json-ld/

I need to get the process flows presented in json and json-ld, too, but in the meantime, here's a diagram.


Greg Cassel Fri 4 Aug 2017 5:37PM

I work on open technology standards-- not directly on any apps, for now. Of course, I think that Open App Ecosystem certainly needs to develop one or more standards (or protocols).

Here are my main recent works-in-progress:

^ Please note that I'm refactoring my "Conversation for Action" prototype as a component of that "SRDSS" system.

I also have some IMO relevant "back burner" projects including:

[Edit]: My designs are intentionally generic, and some of them probably aren't appropriate for trying to develop an Open App Ecosystem right now. Also, I don't want to "clutter up" the Wekan much.

I may add one or more of the three most fundamental active projects--MOT, P2PDN and ABG-- to the Wekan. It depends on how strictly you want this OAE effort to be focused.

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