Sun 30 Jul 2017 9:26AM

Who is working now on Open Apps Ecosystem?

BH Bob Haugen Public Seen by 121

Who is working on something now that they think belongs in an Open Apps Ecosystem?

If someone does, he needs to add his action here so anyone can see it. In the FOR NEWCOMMERS column, you have all the documentation you need on "how you can add an action"

What is it?

Where is it?

How can other people get involved?


Bob Haugen Sun 30 Jul 2017 9:45AM

I am working on two projects that want to be part of an open apps ecosystem:
* Value Flows, which wants to be a vocabulary and protocols for open apps for economic networks.
* In particular, I am now working on the Vocabulator, a demo for the vocabulary, and plan to make it work with @tiborkatelbach 's vocabulary mapping system.
* A good way for new people to start getting involved is to post something on https://gitter.im/valueflows/welcome or raise an issue on https://github.com/valueflows/valueflows/issues or just say so here.
* If you particularly want to help with the Vocabulator, raise an issue on https://github.com/valueflows/django-vocabulator/issues or say so here.
* I am also helping @lynnfoster and @ivan116 on Kamasi, which wants to be a UI and API covering many open apps.
* If you want to join that one, raise an issue on https://github.com/django-rea/rea-app/issues or just say so here.

Lynn and I have some other projects in motion, and they are open, but probably not good candidates for an open apps ecosystem (they are monolithic platforms). They were precursors and proofs of concept for Value Flows.


Marc Farré Sun 30 Jul 2017 10:54AM

@bobhaugen , the link https://t.me/joinchat/DHkZFQxtkzCnmWxddNByBA redirect to tg://join?invite=DHkZFQxtkzCnmWxddNByBA which doesn't work.

My current actions are mentioned on the wekan page : https://wekan.indie.host/b/G4LCutYkTJLhSCAtn/open-app-ecosystem

I would like to create a small team of developers (coding people !), so if you're interested get in touch with me.


Bob Haugen Sun 30 Jul 2017 11:11AM

If you want to join the Kamasi Telegram group, try this link: https://t.me/bhaugen

I would like to create a small team of developers (coding people !)

What would you like them to do? Since we already have at least one small team of developers working on open apps (on the Kamasi project), do you think we might be able to collaborate?

(I think there are probably some other teams working on other related projects, too...)


Lynn Foster Sun 30 Jul 2017 12:53PM

I would like to create a small team of developers (coding people !), so if you're interested get in touch with me.

Interesting idea. And if so, @bobhaugen 's idea of combining is interesting too.

Is it an Open App Ecosystem team? Or something more separate? And how would projects and who works on what get decided?


Matthew Slater Sun 30 Jul 2017 11:41AM

I'm working on the solsearch API, server and Drupal clients.

It is a geolocated index for offers and wants listed in (local) community groups.

We will roll it out to all the sites in Community Forge, if they want it.

I need help to present it as an open project, to encourage other groups to participate.

I don't even have a web page for it yet, just the API ( https://app.swaggerhub.com/api/matslats/sol-search/1.0.0 ) on Swagger.


Lynn Foster Sun 30 Jul 2017 1:08PM

Matthew's call is an interesting case study. I'm thinking about it, also in relationship to the Open Food Network people's thoughts about different needs for different vocabularies, in their case, wanting food specific terminology.

@matthewslater how would this work in these use cases? I.e. how do we make what you have created an open app in an ecosystem?

  1. Mutual Aid Network, which uses Community Forge for their timebank, and Wezer as another app that includes a marketplace with offers and wants. Community Forge will have the new api. Does Wezer need to add the same api? And then how does it work? Is there something else that shows all the aggregated offers and wants from both sources (with the geo-location feature), or would each app show the offers and wants from the other app in addition to its own?

  2. In NRP/OCP we have exchanges in addition to projects/processes/work stuff. Suppose we want to get the exchanges out there in the form of offers and wants using your stuff, so they can be aggregated with other offers and wants. We have an api being built using ValueFlows vocabulary, using graphql, with an rdf based one on the roadmap in the unknown future. How would we proceed?

I feel like I need an architectural diagram. :)


Matthew Slater Sun 30 Jul 2017 1:25PM

Hi Lynn

The SolSearch is general purpose which means it has no vocabulary built in, only keyword searches. It is also not translatable, assuming that you know the local terms for whatever it is you are searching for.

It is not possible for a person to submit items to solsearch directly, it is merely an index of content on other platforms, and it does not store user identities. To contact the person who posted the item, solsearch redirects the user back to the original post.

@matthewslater how would this work in these use cases? I.e. how do we make what you have created an open app in an ecosystem?

  • Mutual Aid Network, which uses Community Forge for their timebank, and Wezer as another app that includes a marketplace with offers and wants. Community Forge will have the new api. Does Wezer need to add the same api? And then how does it work? Is there something else that shows all the aggregated offers and wants from both sources (with the geo-location feature), or would each app show the offers and wants from the other app in addition to its own?

We can enable in Hamlets (used by Dane County TB) very soon, but Wezer would need to implement the simple API and build its own search interface.

Each client is a platform like drupal or Odoo, and every time the data changes it updates the SolSearch Index. To browse the index, each platform needs to build a search interface and display the results.

A mobile phone app could search the index, but it would need the apikey of a platform in order to submit items for indexing directly.

  • In NRP/OCP we have exchanges in addition to projects/processes/work stuff. Suppose we want to get the exchanges out there in the form of offers and wants using your stuff, so they can be aggregated with other offers and wants. We have an api being built using ValueFlows vocabulary, using graphql, with an rdf based one on the roadmap in the unknown future. How would we proceed?

whenever an 'exchange' wants to be indexed, you just send a REST request to (our) solsearch server.

The API is clear how to do that. You just need an APIkey from Community Forge

I feel like I need an architectural diagram. :)

Sorry I don't feel like drawing one right now.


Lynn Foster Sun 30 Jul 2017 2:03PM

Thanks @matthewslater , very helpful! Good food for thought about how in general might be the best way for open apps to interact and what open apps should be responsible for.

Sorry I don't feel like drawing one right now.

Didn't mean to imply you should make one, it was just an unnecessary comment to the universe. I'll make one at some point, when we start to better understand how more pieces might fit together.


Marc Farré Sun 30 Jul 2017 1:32PM

The idea as I imagine it is described here : https://www.communecter.org/#page.type.projects.id.596d0ef440bb4e83147b23e6.view.detail
and in technical terms here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lhDJgyPB1f3zyLz3Zy626GEvxchwks0yDo-aA3LxSRI

@lynnfoster :
I'm working to set up an SSO Identifiant Provider and a common menu for the different apps of the ecosystem. As we though that for beginning we could use Communecter.org for dealing with the working groups, the common menu, the common database and the APIs to communicate with other apps, I can work on this task in collaboration with the Communecter developers team.

If you agree with this way of doing, we need developers to create plugins (addons) on open apps to make the communicate with the API (Communecter's API for a start).
This is a huge work, and I need to be in touch with theses people to build an API capable to communicate well with the plugins of the apps.

@matthewslater :
I you agree with this project, and as I now a little of Community Forge since our session in Genova, we could have a conversation to see how we work to connect CForge to the ecosystem. A Drupal plugin would be wonderful as it could be used to any Drupal projects !

@bobhaugen :
I don't really know how to integrate ValueFlows in the project, maybe we should speak with @tiborkatelbach


Bob Haugen Sun 30 Jul 2017 1:38PM

I don't really know how to integrate ValueFlows in the project, maybe we should speak with @tiborkatelbach

Don't worry, we'll watch your progress and see if we can figure out a way to interconnect.

We're scheduled to talk with Tibor on Tuesday to figure out how to use his vocabulary mapping system with the ValueFlows vocabulator. If we can get that to work, then maybe we can figure out how to get from there to communicate with different API's.

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