
Priorities for 2014

MM Matt McGregor Public Seen by 62

What should Creative Commons Aotearoa NZ focus on in 2014 (aside from fundraising)?

This discussion will help us to formulate the next CCANZ roadmap.

Points from the discussion:

  • Promote widely to business, media, and creative practitioners
  • CC Talk at Lightening Lab
  • Policy recommendations for various sectors
    • OERs and education
    • Research (incl. data)
    • Culture and heritage
    • Entertainment and media
  • more detailed explanations of what each license means in practice
  • a Public Domain calculator for NZ
  • documentation of CC uptake and re-use in NZ (beyond Case Studies)

Matt McGregor Fri 8 Nov 2013 2:37AM

@matthewoliver Excellent! I'll start another discussion to brainstorm what sort of additional resources are needed. There's some good information buried away in our FAQs, so that could also be re-purposed.


Victoria Leachman Mon 11 Nov 2013 10:01PM

I'd really like to see a Public Domain calculator for NZ. http://publicdomain.okfn.org/calculators/flowcharts/


Ilkka Havukkala Tue 12 Nov 2013 5:11AM

Ccanz use/uptake could be one innovation indicator for mbie r &d policymaking , suggestions to me please. Ilkka


Matt McGregor Tue 12 Nov 2013 8:32PM

@victorialeachman Good idea. We could probably do something like that. Could this be based on the DigitalNZ guide already available? The published guides are generally flow charts. Would the purpose be to gather and re-publish distributed information about copyright and PD in a user-friendly way?


Matt McGregor Tue 12 Nov 2013 9:02PM

@victorialeachman Oh, I see: the flow-charts feed into the production of actual calculators. The name should have given it away. I've emailed OKFN to ask for more information about the process. We could certainly act as a hub/lead for that project, drawing in expertise from the community.


Matt McGregor Tue 19 Nov 2013 8:32PM

@ilkkahavukkala This is something I could chip away at. Perhaps, though, an open spreadsheet that anyone could edit would be a better way of building a log of NZ CC users.


Matt McGregor Thu 21 Nov 2013 7:37PM

@victorialeachman Quick update for everyone on the calculator: I've been in touch with OKFN HQ, OKFN France (who just received government funding to map PD works) and CC Netherlands (who built the only functional PD calculators: http://www.outofcopyright.eu/), and it seems like OKFN's calculators might take some to build.

I think it's worth gathering the legal information into a flowchart in the meantime, and waiting to get more concrete information/timelines from other projects to see if we can piggy-back on another jursidiction's calculator.