Thu 6 Jul 2017 1:51PM

EWC - e-NABLE Web Central

EL Everton Lins Public Seen by 359

This is a specific thread for discussing e-NABLE Web Central.

Please access https://www.enablewebcentral.com to know more about the tool.

For a demonstration please see the following video tutorial here: https://youtu.be/9tkf3Otkcb0


Everton Lins Thu 6 Jul 2017 1:59PM

I have seen full video tutorial and studied the "Whats New" section.
Based on that I share here my notes: http://bit.ly/2stwohy

I really hope it can help.

It's undebatable, EWC is an amazing tool for integration and I believe it can be the very basis for other projects like the Dashboard/BI project for example.


Jeremy Simon Thu 6 Jul 2017 2:42PM

Thanks very much for the notes, @evertonlins! I'll review them with my partner, Aleks, and we'll incorporate them into our development roadmap.


Everton Lins Sat 15 Jul 2017 11:14AM

Hi @jeremysimon and @jonschull I have some opinions from yesterday's meeting regarding EWC. Hope it helps!

  • Point: People are dropping out when need to take pictures for measurements.
  • Suggestion: As a case arrives a trigger send an e-mail to the nearest Case Facilitator, Chapter Leader and other volunteers in the area (important they share the same language). Is important they know about new cases near them or they won't log in because EWC to search, as it is not part of the everyday community life yet.

  • Point: To know how many people are actually in the community G+.
  • Suggestion: To create a badge for Registered Volunteers on Credly and to claim it you need a profile on EWC. You can get 3 things out of it:
  • A solid and structured volunteer database for KPI measurements and BI analysis.
  • This database will have value as only people that are actually active or want to be active will create the profile.
  • It will give strength to other desired actions inside the community. -> Today someone can print and deliver a hand without the badges for it, so that's why people won't get "certified". If you have a profile on EWC those badges have renewed strong meaning. You need the badge to work on EWC, so you only play the game if you have the *"ticket".

  • Point:Batch input of cases inside the system and send info to the chapters.

  • Suggestion: If a chapter doesn't engage on EWC today, creating tasks on the system and after that sending to them am create 2 issues:

  • 1- For the system: Data inside the system without a "father", they can remain there for too long.

  • 2 - For the chapter: Give the chapter work they weren't expecting, and as it already exists on the system will be bad not to act on them. It can impact chapter planning and other activities and disengage people.

  • What if you guys give the data for "previous evaluation" by the chapters? They can do a data cleansing and be an active part of the process without the pressure of the cases already in the system. After evaluating the data they can define if a species is or not compliant with EWC and act on the case.

It will promote the engagement of the chapters because they are creating the demands and defining the actions needed by choice and based on a plan made by them.

Going this way I strongly believe that the number of cases on the system will be low, but the cases will most probably be completed.

Hope it helps. Have a nice weekend!


Jon Schull Sun 16 Jul 2017 1:50PM

Everton These are three different and interesting issues. It seems that the best way have separate issues within a thread is to create a proposal so I'm going to try that.


Poll Created Sun 16 Jul 2017 1:51PM

Automatic notifications to "Case Facilitators" Closed Wed 19 Jul 2017 1:55PM

Point: People are dropping out when need to take pictures for measurements.
Suggestion: As a case arrives a trigger send an e-mail to the nearest Case Facilitator, Chapter Leader and other volunteers in the area (important they share the same language). Is important they know about new cases near them or they won't log in because EWC to search, as it is not part of the everyday community life yet.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 2 JS EL
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 5 AB DU JS W JL

2 of 7 people have participated (28%)


Poll Created Sun 16 Jul 2017 1:52PM

Create a Credly badge for Registered Volunteers Closed Wed 19 Jul 2017 1:55PM

Point: To know how many people are actually in the community G+.

Suggestion: To create a badge for Registered Volunteers on Credly and to claim it you need a profile on EWC. You can get 3 things out of it:

A solid and structured volunteer database for KPI measurements and BI analysis.

This database will have value as only people that are actually active or want to be active will create the profile.
It will give strength to other desired actions inside the community. -> Today someone can print and deliver a hand without the badges for it, so that's why people won't get "certified". If you have a profile on EWC those badges have renewed strong meaning. You need the badge to work on EWC, so you only play the game if you have the *"ticket".


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 2 JS EL
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 5 AB DU JS W JL

2 of 7 people have participated (28%)


Jon Schull
Sun 16 Jul 2017 2:00PM

I suppose I agree, but it's not clear

There are badges for G+ participation, but people need to claim them (still problematic) And then they may be become inactive. Same for EWC?

I think we do agree that people with badges should get priority.


Poll Created Sun 16 Jul 2017 2:03PM

Give the data for "previous evaluation" by the chapte Closed Wed 19 Jul 2017 2:14PM

Point:Batch input of cases inside the system and send info to the chapters.

Suggestion: If a chapter doesn't engage on EWC today, creating tasks on the system and after that sending to them am create 2 issues:

1- For the system: Data inside the system without a "father", they can remain there for too long.

2 - For the chapter: Give the chapter work they weren't expecting, and as it already exists on the system will be bad not to act on them. It can impact chapter planning and other activities and disengage people.

What if you guys give the data for "previous evaluation" by the chapters? They can do a data cleansing and be an active part of the process without the pressure of the cases already in the system. After evaluating the data they can define if a species is or not compliant with EWC and act on the case.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 0.0% 0  
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 100.0% 1 JS
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 6 EL AB DU JS W JL

1 of 7 people have participated (14%)


Jon Schull
Sun 16 Jul 2017 2:03PM

I just don't understand this one. Please clarify


Everton Lins Sun 16 Jul 2017 5:58PM

Hi @jonschull
The idea of the previous evaluation by the chapter is to have experienced people evaluating the information before putting it into the system.
expected benefits:

  • To prevent the import of data that may need to be deleted later.
  • To break the evaluation of the data in small parts having various chapters or experienced volunteers evaluating a small portion of data at the same time. It will speed up the process.
  • The chapters and volunteers after evaluating what is OK to become a case inside EWC will be able to create the cases inside the system.
  • This "evaluators" that already know the cases can act as facilitators or act in another role.
  • This cases that will be created inside the system will be more likely to have community support due to the previous involvement of chapters and volunteers.
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