Wed 2 May 2018 1:06PM

Proposal to offer *.social.coop as an unofficial TLD/domain name for social cooperatives

MDB Mayel de Borniol Public Seen by 50

Problem: Registering a .coop domain name is quite expensive and also bureaucratically difficult, especially for newly formed co-ops and coop-style collectives. Also standard domains like .org are often not available.

Solution: Social.coop can become an unofficial registrar and offer *.social.coop domain names for organisations that meet certain criteria for entry (to be defined). These organisations/collectives would also become a member of social.coop, contributing on OpenCollective, with a Mastodon account, and one vote through a member representative.

Example: I'm a member/volunteer of Khora, a really awesome community centre for refugees in Athens, which is run as a non-hierarchical non-profit cooperative: http://www.khora-athens.org/ which you can read about on our wiki: http://wiki.khora.social.coop/Khora:About (notice how the wiki is using the khora.social.coop domain name as an example, which I will change in case this proposal doesn't pass).

What does everyone think? I'll create a poll to see if there's consensus on the general idea, but I think we'll need to work out the criteria and figure out how easy it will be to implement and manage technically before making a final decision.


Nathan Schneider Mon 7 May 2018 5:51PM



Matt Noyes Fri 4 May 2018 2:13PM

We should be thinking of this not only as a technical and organizational question, but also as an educational question: how can we help cultivate platform cooperativism, using existing platform coops (like social.coop) as tools? How can we use social.coop to help develop platform cooperativists -- people who understand the larger value of cooperativism and choose to help build it?