Thu 1 Feb 2018 7:41PM

Layers and functions.

LK Louis Koseda Public Seen by 310

There are five layers that seem to form the utility of the token.

1: Transactional - Local scale,
I can give another individual my hour. Another individual can give an hour to me. This transaction is always secure and is easy to implement in a peer to peer way.

2: Notes and Objective data -Organizational scale.

A layer of information on top of the A - B transaction. Adds clarity to the actions behind the token distribution. We can categorize and pull data to form analytics, Making the activities of the community more transparent to the outsider. Easy to show impact, outcomes, activities and accountability. Allowing interoperability between community members as they discover people who may be able to help.

3: Democratic: Community scale

A system to decide how and by whom the hours can be distributed. Which community projects should be empowered and which shouldn't, being decided for the community by the community. This democracy leads to social causes getting social investment through the means of hours and financial investment through the monetary layer.

How the voting system works is still under debate. It is between voting, staking or rating.
By 'staking' is an underwriting system within which it allows users to support a cause by locking personal hours in the cause, being burnt if the cause misbehaves. Meanwhile, they are incentivised to stake or be punished for not staking.

Alternatively, it interacts with a separate voting system which uses principals derived from liquid democracy and is tied to user credibility through community consensus.

4: Intersubjective data: City scale.

Namely for the interoperability between other platforms and media to enhance utility and feed its validity. Think liking, sharing, embedding, tweeting, stories, photos etc.

5: Monetary layer: transnational scale.

Enabling value, such as donations, grants, funds , social lending and other traditional financial associations to be distributed within the system via the third party. This is useful for people who wish to support certain activities directly without a middleman. A separate coin may be used or created specifically for this purpose similar to the Basic Attention Token.